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Well-Known Member
A week b4 the insane ca1i rains,those fuckin planes were going HAM, over LA, for 1 week straight.I noticed their workin with 2 or 3 planes now.Before it would just be 1 plane goin back and forth,now its 2 or 3 in conjuction.I think I might know why their doing this allover the world.My guess is their creating climate change.So when you guys hear on the news, that the weather is getting extremely out of control,because of our carbon emissions,don't believe it.Its them creating it,so they can blame it on you,then tax your ass for it.They get rich,you get taxed.Same with the wars,they make it happen,we pay our soldiers to fight it.And they get rich in the end.Same with every other scheme they pulled on us.Its not only about taxing your ass,and stealing your $,a big part of it is control.Heres why their over there http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/14/world/asia/14minerals.html ,they need our troops to clear the area out.The troops will always be there,until they get it all out.


Well-Known Member
Wrong section of the forums.

Then again, I don't know where you would post "bat shit crazy".