#LOOK# yellowing leaves + red stems (pics)


New Member
yellowing leaves with red stems on those sick leaves.
right soil gro, 2weeks into flower.
half strength nutz(bloom)
plants were topped when 15''inch
older leaves started going yellow about a week into flower!!, new growth seems nice and healthy
take a look at the pics and gimme ur thaughts-what do u think? do they look healthy? once again thanx in advance!!



Well-Known Member
the stems are just hitting purple when ur leafs started turning yelow, id say small amount of nute burn , ur tips are slowly turnign from the tips too eh , what % of reccomended nutes are u using

Brick Top

New Member
It looks like a little nute burn to me but based on what you said you fed them it shouldn’t have happened in my opinion. Does your soil have any slow release ferts in it that would be adding to what you feed your plants?

Also it seems like the most yellowing I could see was on the bigger bottom fan leaves, though I may have missed something in the pics. If that is where the major yellowing is I am curious what light(s) you are running because that might be a case of lack of light penetration. A lot of people running lower wattage lights will get yellow bottom fan leaves and they will dry up and fall off due to lack of light penetration. If they don’t get light they don’t work and if they don’t work they die.

That may be a low probability possibility but it is still a possibility for the lower fan leaves turning yellow. It would not explain the rest which seems to point to nute burn so that is most likely the cause but you may have two things going on at the same time and think they are connected when they might not be.


Well-Known Member
They look to me like they might be a little hungry for some Mag/Cal. Don't go too crazy though or you'll lock out other nutrients.

Check your ph also and make sure that it's not getting locked out. If it's locked out and you add more it'll lock out more nutrients and just expand upon your problem.


Well-Known Member
that's pretty normal for when i flower... red stem could be P def. that one leaf will eventually fall off.. along with other yellowing ones


New Member
thanx very much buddy , nice to have a compliment!! theyr pretty babies and budds everywere lol, bring it on!!


Well-Known Member
look up Mg deficiency-looks like displaying classic signs of intervenal chlrosis and tips burning. also look into Fe as well. I would really rule out nute burn as it generally works from the tips and back starting on older than newer fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
there is a def issue here. that yellowing with green viens will contiue to work it's way up the plant to the top. your girl is trying to tell you something. also, looking at those pics again, the conatiners are looking small for that size plant.


New Member
personaly after looking at the chart i think i should add some boost to my bloom and treat with MG also, any1 agree after looking at my pics??

roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
im having the exact same prob yellowing leaves some with brown in them and the red stems at first i thought it was bc of light bc im using cfl's but the bottom leaves are dieing and it is starting to spread to the upper parts of the plant and this is my biggest plant and im gonna start to flower on the 13 can you help me out



New Member
take a look at the link in the link below(superman) personaly if ur using nutes ide flush and cut bk on the neuts to a weeker dose, see how u go from there, looks like bit of neut burn but dont take my word for it as it could be a number of things, flushing is good once in a while anyway!! make sure u check that link out and try and match it up to ur symptoms, hope they get well soon!!


New Member
on a second look at ur pics it deffo looks like a classic case of neut burn, flush the soil with room temp water 3 times the amount of soil, like i said if ur using neuts cut back to 1/4 strenght of the recomended dose on the bottle!! good luck