lookin for molasses answers


Well-Known Member
ive seached "molasses" a few times but keep gettin lotsa threads that mention molasses in it rather then explain it... what does it do to my plant??? increase size/ponetcy/taste??? whats the mix ratio??? can it be used in all mediums??? (soil/hempy)... i hear that u use it later in flowering, so when do u start, when do u stop??? does it need to be flushed before harvest or is this the flush??? can u mix molasses feeds with nute feeds??? any downsides or mistakes that can be made??? any other tips or links would be great for me and others looking for info on "molasses"... thnx!

broham 10

ive seached "molasses" a few times but keep gettin lotsa threads that mention molasses in it rather then explain it... what does it do to my plant??? increase size/ponetcy/taste??? whats the mix ratio??? can it be used in all mediums??? (soil/hempy)... i hear that u use it later in flowering, so when do u start, when do u stop??? does it need to be flushed before harvest or is this the flush??? can u mix molasses feeds with nute feeds??? any downsides or mistakes that can be made??? any other tips or links would be great for me and others looking for info on "molasses"... thnx!
to the best of my knowledge molasses can be used all through out flowering, you can flush with it or without it, it contains trace elements that make buds larger (nothing insane tho) and also increases flavor of the buds


Well-Known Member
molasses can be used in soil(imexplaining this method 4rm xperiance),,,1-2 teaspoons a gallon,every other other watering,,,it increases benificial bacteria growth in soil and fattens up buds/makes them taste sweet....plants love sugar,use the unsulphered when u use it tho


Active Member
Blackstrap molasses normally has a NPK of 1-0-8 I think. It also has calcium, iron, magnesium that your plants can immediately use. Never used it for cannabis yet(grow space still under construction) but used it in with water/nute feedings for my tomato plants(helps against blossom end rotting) and vegative herbal plants. It also has carbo/sugars that feed beneficial aerobic bacterias/microbes etc benefits soil growing for tea mixtures. I use under a tablespoon per gallon for both feed/water. btw it can lower your water/nute ph if you go over that.


Well-Known Member
1 tsp per gallon of unsulphured blackstrap mollasses, some use it during flowering and others use it through out the plants whole life cycle.It's great for soil grows,but bad news for hydro.They sell products like sweet by botanicare for hydro.


Well-Known Member
Tim yes it feeds the organism in the soil makes them happy they make roots happy roots mke plant happy plant makes you happy so do they do any good ???

you tell me bro


Well-Known Member
Sounds like I will be using it throught the plants life and not just during flowering like I have been doing.