Got felonies while in college, very young at the time. After I did my short stint in the state penn, I returned to shcool to finish my degree in Computer Networking, at that time most appliacations were asking about felonies within the past 7 years. So with that being said I returned to shcool to work on bachelors degree.... completed my degree to only find out that employers are now searching for any convictions.
Here is the real pisser, I have been hired by 7-8 employers since graduation but after the background check my employment is recinded, and yes I did inform them of my past, most will tell mein person it is no problem however getting by human resources is nearly impossible, even more since the job market has been shady. My convictions were for posession and delivery.
I totally undestand the whole longshot of posting this here, but I take chances.
Peace and Love