Looking at the possbility of growing this winter indoors up in Canada. Realistic?

A little preview, first off, THIS WILL BE MY FIRST GROW. I've seen grows before but never been a part of one. I feel like I have a fairly good idea of how to do it myself. I live by myself in Ontario, Canada. I have my room thats 10' x 15' with a walk in closet thats 5' x 9'. I live in an apartment complex with no neighboors on the other side of the wall of my room although it could be a repair room or something, Idk. I'm looking to grow while it's cold outside up here so the heating blends the electricity cost. I'm looking to grow somewhere between 1-3 plants, basically a one bulb opperation. I'll prolly end up trying to 2. I've got a few questions regarding some parts of the set up. My main concern above all is not getting caught. Can any people in Ontario give me a briefing of my risks regarding the law? What's the likelyhood of getting caught? ect. Any tips, help, adivice is much appreciated. It's 9/17 today. I'm hoping to have plants budding out of the ground around late novemeber so i was thinking about starting to set this up very late octover or early november.

What should I buy regarding the following:
1) Medium? Soil or rockwoll? What do you use?
2) Lights? What type of lights and what wattage should I use for 1,2, or 3 plants? How much should I run them? 18/6 then 12/12?
3) Seeds? What seeds or strains would be best for an apt?
4) Water? How much should I water them and how frequently?
5) Fertilizers and Blooms? What brands will help me get solid nutrients?
6) Smell and Ventalation? Do I need a charcoal canister or a filter or anything? My main concern is not getting caught.
7) Test Kits? For Ph, nutrients, water levels? Do I need them?
8) I have utlities included at my apartment so I'm wondering how much everything else might be.


Well-Known Member
theres no need for a 600w light fer 3 plants on a first grow

Get some cfl's and organic no fert soil fer your first grow (hydros a bit advanced but if u must aeor buckets/beds a good easy start. Doing hydro will be a waste of time and money if your not completely dedicated, soil much forgiving)

Experiment with some techniques such as lst

Dont have high expectations about ur first yeild but give it care and patience and it will pay off in the end

Only water when the soil is pretty dry, if u stick ur finger in the pot ~4in down and its dry water, it not:no water. Its real easy to overwater(i note the weight of the pot). dont mist leaves. Read up a bit on eveything as it will helpo u in the long run


Well-Known Member
theres no need for a 600w light fer 3 plants on a first grow

Get some cfl's and organic no fert soil fer your first grow (hydros a bit advanced but if u must aeor buckets/beds a good easy start. Doing hydro will be a waste of time and money if your not completely dedicated, soil much forgiving)

Experiment with some techniques such as lst

Dont have high expectations about ur first yeild but give it care and patience and it will pay off in the end

Only water when the soil is pretty dry, if u stick ur finger in the pot ~4in down and its dry water, it not:no water. Its real easy to overwater(i note the weight of the pot). dont mist leaves. Read up a bit on eveything as it will helpo u in the long run
Soil is not forgiving come on dam612 tell him about soil PH issues and how you gotta make sure the soils PH is right or the plant will die or have deficiency problems rock wool is easy to keep ph right. Plus it's harder to overwater in rock wool. A 6" rock wool cube costs $3.25 each and you can handle water them so you don't have to buy any pumps. I have currently shown about 10 people on how to grow with great success and yields. Cfls are ok if you want an 1/8 of weed, 600 watts is great to start with I did. I use cfl's for cloning and bottom light for my big plants

I've grown in both rock wool and soil and like I said rock wool should be your choice
and what you see is only six plants under a 1000 and had to add a 400 and moved the other plants to the side because of the monster plant I trained, also the 600 watt will keep the room warm during the winter if you use cfl's then you're gonna need a heater. On top of that watt per lumens is very low for cfl's and not cost effective plus the plants take longer to flower. I'm not a newbie at this been doing it for a bit. The only thing I haven't tried is aeroponics.

Blue Dream, Grand Daddy and Purple Kush under 1000 watt light hoping too yield big

Indoor monster plant

What do you use for your grow?


K well, as a souther ontario resident, growing indoors is pretty easy ... If you're only planning on 2 -3 plants no big deal ... that will fit in the closet .... if you want more .... its a preference, but 2 - 3 plants every 60 - 70 days will keep you more than personally happy.

Growing in a rental unit .... keep it clean! ... watch your spills etc. (do yourself a favour and keep your plants in a kiddy pool .... that way you don't have to worry about water speeage and spilling. Humidity can be a bitch ... hopefully you're up high and won't have people wafting the fumes coming out of your grow room window. Avoid foiling your windows directly .... your best bet is to put a blind in the window - close the blind and then box it over ... everyone always gets suspicious of those foiled over windows etc.

I've grown in an apartment many times, and used to work with a commercial grower that would rent a 2 bedroom apartment, change the locks and then knock out the walls for one mega grow. (i dont reccomend this)

Ideally you have a garbage chute .... makes it easy for disposal, but make sure its all bagged, sometimes that chute just ends up in a garbage cart that then gets taken to the dumpster.

I'm rambling a bit here, just random things I've encountered over the years.

Oh ... make sure you lock your doors all the time, and bare in mind, the landlord can enter your unit almost whenever, sure they need 24 hrs notice technically, but ultimately its his building .... CHANGE YOUR LOCKS! try to go with the same type he has (brand/color etc) so its not very noticable, and then be prepared to do all repairs yourself, as you don't want a random plumber coming in while your babies are blooming.

Your best bet, like I said earlier, is if it's 2 - 3 plants, keep it in the closet :)

Anyways if you have any questions just ask ... I'll probably be moving back in doors this winter as well .... but its nice to have a trouble free outdoor grow :)


Well-Known Member
K well, as a souther ontario resident, growing indoors is pretty easy ... If you're only planning on 2 -3 plants no big deal ... that will fit in the closet .... if you want more .... its a preference, but 2 - 3 plants every 60 - 70 days will keep you more than personally happy.

Growing in a rental unit .... keep it clean! ... watch your spills etc. (do yourself a favour and keep your plants in a kiddy pool .... that way you don't have to worry about water speeage and spilling. Humidity can be a bitch ... hopefully you're up high and won't have people wafting the fumes coming out of your grow room window. Avoid foiling your windows directly .... your best bet is to put a blind in the window - close the blind and then box it over ... everyone always gets suspicious of those foiled over windows etc.

I've grown in an apartment many times, and used to work with a commercial grower that would rent a 2 bedroom apartment, change the locks and then knock out the walls for one mega grow. (i dont reccomend this)

Ideally you have a garbage chute .... makes it easy for disposal, but make sure its all bagged, sometimes that chute just ends up in a garbage cart that then gets taken to the dumpster.

I'm rambling a bit here, just random things I've encountered over the years.

Oh ... make sure you lock your doors all the time, and bare in mind, the landlord can enter your unit almost whenever, sure they need 24 hrs notice technically, but ultimately its his building .... CHANGE YOUR LOCKS! try to go with the same type he has (brand/color etc) so its not very noticable, and then be prepared to do all repairs yourself, as you don't want a random plumber coming in while your babies are blooming.

Your best bet, like I said earlier, is if it's 2 - 3 plants, keep it in the closet :)

Anyways if you have any questions just ask ... I'll probably be moving back in doors this winter as well .... but its nice to have a trouble free outdoor grow :)
I'm growing in one now LOL with a 1000 watt and 400 watt six plants and one of the plants is by itself under the 1000 watt


Blue Dream, Grand Daddy and Purple Kush under 1000 watt light hoping too yield big

Indoor monster plant

What do you use for your grow?
thanks for all the feedback everyon! so lets say i saw going to grow 2 plants, whats the minimum watt that i could use while still getting the max payload. I live on the first floor so smell is prolly goin be my greatest problem. How bad can I expect it to smell? And I figured rw would be better for ph so I'll prolly end up with that. What kind of strains work best indoor? Indica or should I try a hybrid? Will the lights blow out the fuse in my apt? What brand of lights would you reccommend?

Also whats the best way to kill the smell?


Well-Known Member
First off how much do you plan to spend? $100-$500? or less? If so go CFL but you won't get that much smoke, just take a look at some CFL grows on here and see the results. Why I say go 600 watt is because it covers a 4' x 4' area for proper growth plus If you're looking at 250-400watt it's not that much more for the 600 and later on you'll wanna do more plants. Trust me after your first grow and it goes well you'll want more plants. I just grow them big and less plants. I've got to get rid of three plants today because They're not getting enough light, so my buddies taking them from me. I'm gonna get at least a pound off one monster plant. 6 weeks until harvest gonna post some more pics in a couple of days.

Blue Dream, Grand Daddy and Purple Kush under 1000 watt light hoping too yield big

Indoor monster plant

What do you use for your grow?
Your talking about 600 watt for the mh right? Should I get a hps light for flowering? Is there a certain brand you reccomend? How much are mh and hps light and where can I buy them? And if im just growing 2 plants with a 600 watt should i keep it farther away? And the high wattage should also help give the plant some heat eh? What do you think about auto flowering seeds?


Well-Known Member
You can buy the light as a switchable kit MH/HPS. Best of both worlds. I just picked up one on eBay for $250. Well worth it when you think of the money saved on bud. Havent used it yet, have only grown outdoors but Im getting ready for my first indoor grow this winter.


Well-Known Member
Like CptNemo said get a switchable ballast. Heat will not be an issue as long as you have a lot of air movement that means use at least 2 fans in the room as well as getting a air cooled hood for your light. I just use fans myself