Looking Drinkables Methods....

I am sad I could only hit the like button once! lol...that is awesome Texas :) have you tried this? So the tincture is already decarbed and activated? I have to try this :hug::hug::hug:

haha your the best fumble!
no I haven't, it is on my to do list though
yes the tincture would need to be activated prior

I will try to get to trying that sometime soon
Alright guys I've figured it out. The only time we want any heat is when your decarbing your bho or material. After its decarb'd you want to mix in your alcohol. Anything 40% or higher will work. The higher the % the less time it takes. Once you have your bho decarb'd mix in your alcohol and let sit for about a week. I'm using 100 proof absolute right now and will let my tincture sit until Sunday. You must mix it up at least 3 times a day.

I think the decarb went ok, but then I totally fucked the tincture and juice.

After the decarb I turned the temp way down and let it cool. Then I used everclear, which at first seemed great but then it rapidly evaporated. I kept adding more but eventually gave up. I then tried to mix it into the juice and the bho completely separated.




So the only time you heaht is while decarbing. Then mix alcohol. Yes it will re saparate but thats the point. After a week of sitting with 40% alcohol and mixing 3 times a day. Youll strain it. Once to separate the material from the tincture. The second time to remove impurities and a third time to get the last of the impurities and whats left is fully activated tincture.
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what do you mean strain to separate the material?
we are talking bho not flower correct?

if you wanted to filter out impurities of your tincture, you should've winterized using a high grain alcohol(everclear) instead of using 40% alcohol(which is a lot less polar)
and after your 1 week sitting time you should freeze your jar of tincture for 48hrs, then filter
this will separate the impurities (fats,waxes,lipids) making it easy to filter out
I used kief. Not bho for this run. I was wondering though. By making tincture your making the alcohol soak up all the THC and any material you used would be drained of its THC. So I think straining even bho from the mix is how its supposed to be done. But I could be wrong. Using bho you might have to let it sit for a lot longer and let it all desolve into the alcohol. Idk.

That's why I used kief instead. But I tried a dose of it today and about an hour later I was stoned as fuck. I have insomnia wich is why I'm making tincture. Looking for something to make me pass out. And I think 3 doses tonight about an hour before 10 should do the trick.
ok well if using kief then yes you can go ahead and filter it out
the resin from the trichomes have been extracted and dissolved into the alcohol and at this point are useless

are you expecting a filter to catch the BHO when you decide to strain? like the kief?
when filtering a bho/alcohol solutuin the mix will flow right through a coffee filter without catching much other than a
which is why you need to freeze for 48 hrs to get the impurities to separate making it possible to filter out the impurities

you never realy filter out the bho because it is basically resin that dissolves into the alcohol
even after you filter your bho tincture, you could evaporate off all the alcohol and it will leave behind the resin extracted
(I wouldn't try that since you used 40% alcohol)
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Ok thanks. I was actually planning on adding the alcohol while it was still hot and quickly mixing and poring into a glass bottle to cool.

You are saying you cooled the bho off before mixing?

Also, do you guys think using Everclear is the best idea or should I use a lower proof?

I actually think I'm gonna end up doing this mostly with bud and trim in the future but for now I'm using bho.
I don't pour the alcohol in right after the decarb is done
I let my decarbed bho cool off to room temp and add desired amount of everclear to the jar
next I place in the hot oil bath at about 150-160 for about 15-20 mins swirling the jar occasionally until it is all fully dissolved

I would only recommend the highest proof alcohol available to you, which for most people is everclear, or Bacardi 151
lower alcohol content means a lower saturation point for the thc, the higher the alcohol content the more it can hold
ive only made 2 tinctures withough bho
those 2 times I used the natural decarb method with kief (let sit for 2-3 months)
Imo it was a much more medicated high, due to never experiencing temps over 80 degrees, so no loss of terpenes

if you are in no rush I would recommend the natural decarb, but for most of us waiting 2-3 months isn't an option

we have a member who frequents the concentrates and extracts section named growgodess
she swears behind the no heat natural decarb for her concentrates
and im starting to agree with her now that ive had plenty of experience decarbing my bho in a double boiler
it is extremely effective but just doesn't seem the same as the first 2 I made

check out growgoddes blog, lots of good info

sorry i only read a few..
But i wanted to share, i love infusing sodas. 1Tbsp of everclear holds a little over 350mg, im not good at picturing that, so to put in perspective thats like adding 1shot of 30% to a soda. Not much alcohol at all..dont know if that helps but whatever
sorry i only read a few..
But i wanted to share, i love infusing sodas. 1Tbsp of everclear holds a little over 350mg, im not good at picturing that, so to put in perspective thats like adding 1shot of 30% to a soda. Not much alcohol at all..dont know if that helps but whatever

I'm still trying to figure this shit out, lol. I don't like standard edibles or capsules, but love the infused sodas they sell here. What I really want is to do is use 3 or so 100mg veggie juice drinks per day.

I've read through the bad kat thread and others looking for ways to do this stuff. I saw you suggested there to use the double boil and watch the bubbles method with ice water hash and was hoping to get your advice.

I'm going to fresh freeze and wash a good portion of my harvest. I'll keep some of the full melt but most of what I get I want to use for veggie juice drinks. Gonna do 2 washes per batch, a 5 min and a 15 min. I have been told I can also use the left over material for edibles or tincture. I also have some old no melt iwe hash and that cheap bho left to test out methods with atm.

Can you or others give some suggestions or what I could try?

I've considered the hash/keif oven decarb with coconut oil method from the BadKat thread. Then just mix that shit directly in with some carrot juice or whatever. Would that even mix into the veggie juice or do I have to use alcohol? Could I just use coconut oil in a double boiler with the IWE and watch it bubble? And do I need to and at what point to I add lecithin powder?

Also what about the left over plant materal after washing? I don't like tinctures that you have to keep under your tongue, they never work very well on me and I don't like it. Was thinking about using it for crock pot butter or something, suggestions?
I throw my left over material away. But that's just me. I didn't think there was anything left in it after decarbing and letting soak in everclear for a week and 2 days.

I think making tincture is easiest when using decarbd kief. That's my method. I'm having a batch i made tested and should have its results in this week. I take a shot and chase with soda just like a real shot (burns like one too lol). Decarb your select amount of kief for 1 hour at 150°f then mix with everclear. I used 45 grams of kief to 2 cups of everclear, then sit for 7-10 days in the freezer. MIX AT LEAST TWICE A DAY EVERY DAY THOROGHLY.
Strain once with a cheese cloth, (wear gloves because you have to squeeze as much everclear out of the material(weed/kief) as you can) then strain twice more using un bleached coffee filters. Allow it to filter on its own to catch as much as possible out of the everclear. After the third final strain enjoy. Like I said I take it in shots but i have a high tolerance. (Avoid mixing with carbinated drinks. As soon as they mix it starts bubbling)
For edibles I decarb bho @ 150°f for 1 hour. Allow it too cool to room temp then reheat just enough to liquefy the bho and mix your coconut oil with it. I found a ratio of 1gram bho: 1gram coconut oil was a good mix. Stir well and keep heated and stirring for a minute or too, then allow to cool off. You can use it now as a topical (great for burns) or edible. Mix like butter in some cookies or you can heat and put it in capsules ( I like doing this)
Hope this helps! :) enjoy!