looking for a bit of feedback

This is my 1st grow and im about 2 weeks into flowering, just looking for a bit of feedback on how im doing,and to ask a question should i be trimming to let more light in? any help is awsome cheers!2013-06-10 12.43.38.jpg2013-06-10 12.43.16.jpg2013-06-10 12.42.38.jpg


Well-Known Member
Usually, I do all my "Trimming, FIMing, Topping" in the veg cycle....
I am of the opinion, to leave all bud sites for bud in flower....
The large green leaves, leave on, until they look more than 60% dead/yellow/brown/old...
All the green leaves on your plants have a reason for being there....
What lighting are you using?
Good Luck...


Well-Known Member
I noticed some purple stems in one of your photo's. Do you have a lot of them? The reason that I am asking is that could be a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Your leaves look ok though, except for those slight wrinkles. What are you feeding them? Do you add any Calmag to your feed solution? If you don't, it's the right time to start just to prevent a deficiency from occurring. Don't trim the leaves as you need all of them on those plants. Peace
im usuing a 200w cfl red spec, i did have a 250 hps light that i got of ebay but that lasted 2 days before it fucked up :( , and jimdamick im dfeeding them usuing mircle grow.. its all i have at the moment and theres only 4 of the top branches onthe plant on the right in the photos that has the deffinincy. what is calmag by the way? take it, its just nutes ?


Well-Known Member
I prune lower branches during flowering. I cut thin weak branches that are shaded by the canopy and inhibit airflow. IME the bud they produce isn't worth their cost in resources that could be better used on the tops.


Well-Known Member
calcium and magnesium are commonly found in tap water. Some tap water is low in these elements and should be amended before adding soluble nutrients. If youre tap water contains sufficient amounts, cal-mag is unnecessary. The calcium acts as a buffer for acidic nutrients in water, it also provides the plant with these nutrients.

Your soil also should contain calcium in you soil for the same reasons. Most potting soil contains ca in the form of shells or lime. It can get used up/washed out over time which leads to problems with deficiencies and acidic soil conditions.

If you are growing large plants, you will often need to add more ca to the soil. Get some powdered lime and top dress the soil. Water to distribute the lime and find out if you have soft tap water.


Well-Known Member
I noticed some purple stems in one of your photo's. Do you have a lot of them? The reason that I am asking is that could be a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Your leaves look ok though, except for those slight wrinkles. What are you feeding them? Do you add any Calmag to your feed solution? If you don't, it's the right time to start just to prevent a deficiency from occurring. Don't trim the leaves as you need all of them on those plants. Peace
Purple stems can be a sign of a mag def, but that doesn't mean you have one. Some strains have purple or red stems. Just from experience plants in soil at around 6 weeks start to show signs of it, and really I am just thinking about it as a preventive measure. It doesn't hurt to use it.
the other plant that im growing aswell dosnt have any purple stems and theyre both from the same plant, Kangaroobunny have you had that issue before? cause i live in scotland and it is fucking cold here, gonna trim some of the branches today as i think its getting pritty dark down the bottom and try and lollipop it. il upload some pics later to show yous how there getting on. cheers for the help dudes :)
its just between week1 and 2 of flowering with the 200cfl buts its on about week 3 of flowering in total becasue of basterding shity bulbs


Well-Known Member
I been doing an experiment about taking leaves off to let light in. Wish I had never started.
They were both NL 1 was started 7 days behind the other one.
The first 1 I took leaves off it didn't look like any light could get through.
When I would take a leaf the one right aroud there would lighten up in color.
I expected it to slow growth down,but it stopped the growth,it started back,but was stunted
The 2nd one planted now passed the one that was defoliated in size.
Taking the leaves did give me more bud sites,but it wasn't worth it.
When I harvest I'll know more.
Now it's up to you if you want to take leaves,you might can take 3 leaves every 7 days without it slowing it down.
Good Luck & heavy yields to ya.
fuck.... im starting to wish i didnt trim them, the plant on the left got givin a good trimming becasue it was a bit of a bomb site, i didnt trim much of the one on the right though because its my fav to be honest and i didnt want to trim to much of incase i fucked the whole job. Im not gonna do anymore just to be on the safe side. Good luck to you to man! Cheers for the input and let me know how you get on. :)


Active Member
the other plant that im growing aswell dosnt have any purple stems and theyre both from the same plant, Kangaroobunny have you had that issue before? cause i live in scotland and it is fucking cold here, gonna trim some of the branches today as i think its getting pritty dark down the bottom and try and lollipop it. il upload some pics later to show yous how there getting on. cheers for the help dudes :)
Yes it has happened to me before. It could be an early sign of a deficiency so just watch it to make sure. My LD had purple stems during the winter, but both the ones that are growing now don't.