Looking for a girlfriend

It was one the best skits on that show... made it worth watching. My favorite one was years and years and years ago and featured a self-proclaimed "Man of the Senses", it was the funniest shit I'd ever seen. "Someone who can appreciate the sweetness on my tongue that lingers there after I have taken a life." or some such nonsense.

lol i have not seen that skit before....

stewart was also one of the few funny skits.

"look what i can do!"

this has gone waaaaaay off topic haha
Well, THEY aren't. The record companies/TV and movie studios are. If a company asks them to remove something... then they will. It's more a matter of covering their own asses than anything else. Kinda like how ... no matter how articulate and awesome an underage kid may be... if they say they're under 18, they're kicked off RIU.
And for the record, I support the mods in kicking off underagers. They could fuck everything up for everyone LOL....

im with you. not because "its the rules" because lets face it. for alot of us its illegal to smoke and grow it. so obviously no one really cares about rules. just more because this site could get shut down and all this helpful info will be gone