Looking for a good seed starting medium...


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone?

Looking for some recommendations on a good seed starting medium. Last time I used Fox Farms Light Warrior, but I'd like to try something different this time. The Light Warrior liked to turn into a hard crusty chunk as it dried, causing water to bead up on the surface.

So any recommendations for a medium for my babies before they're strong enough to handle some Roots Organic?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I have used Happy Frog outta the bag with good results. I just started some beans in rockwool (NOT my favorite, had some problems..) and placed the cubes into cups of HappyFrog once seedlings popped up. Probably not the best option but it worked pretty well.


Well-Known Member
I have used rapid rooters and I have had excellent results with MG seed starter in solo cups.


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog sounds like a good idea. Should have enough nutrition to last a week or so before going into the 1 or 2 gal pot of Roots, but probably won't burn a seedling. Wish i could find it in smaller bags...


Well-Known Member
I guess I should have been a little more clear. I'm thinking something after roots are poking out of a rooter, but before the Roots. Or do you go straight from your rapid rooter into the Roots?


Well-Known Member
I used to go from rapid rooter directly to 1 gals of Roots Organics until I fried some seedlings when their soil came so hot. Letting it compost a little longer like Nugbuckets has mentioned in his thread would probably fix that I would imagine..

And ya just I did Keg cups of straight HappyFrog for maybe 2 weeks from germ, then into 1 gals of HappyFrog amended with a little dolomite and they have been there for 1 week now looking happy and healthy, although I will probably give them a light feeding next watering.


Well-Known Member
Perfect. I think I'll pick up a bag of Happy Frog. I have some Root Riot knock-off rapid rooters I may or may not use... I'm much more confident in keeping the moisture right in soil than in root plugs.