Looking For A Strain Recommendation or Two


Well-Known Member
Long story short, I grew up in the early 70s, when the marijuana my friends and I bought was much, much weaker than it is today. The high was gentle, giggly -- we were holding hands, throwing potato chips at each other, and did I say we were giggling? It was a sweet, happy, happy high. After high school, I didn't smoke for years. Then in the late '90s, I smoked a couple of times, and it was an anxious, paranoid, miserable experience.

I thought I had just gotten "too old" for weed when last week I found some in my Mom's freezer. It had been there 25-30 years. And it was the old stuff! Sweet, happy, gentle and giggly! Unfortunately, there are no seeds in it, so I can't try to grow it.

But I'm looking for a recommendation or two for a strain available at a seed bank that would provide similar product. Obviously, I think I'm looking for the opposite of potency, which I'm sure is what most people seek. Does anyone have a recommendation? I would be forever grateful...thank you!

I'm also posting this in the "newbies" section, so please excuse the cross-post.


Well-Known Member
But I'm looking for a recommendation or two for a strain available at a seed bank that would provide similar product. Obviously, I think I'm looking for the opposite of potency, which I'm sure is what most people seek. Does anyone have a recommendation? I would be forever grateful...thank you!.
I'd try TGA/Subcool's Jillybean, I gave some to a neighbor who sent some of it to his mom a 70's hippie chick who loved it, said it reminded her of the good old stuff back then. Easy to grow, doesn't stink like skunks and tastes fantastic (mostly pineapple) That's in 12-15 % THC level still much stronger than the 70's weed, just don't overdo it when you smoke.
a second choice is Dr Greenthumbs "Big Laughing"


Active Member
"anxious, paranoid, miserable experience"

I know what you mean, it seems when I was younger the buzz I got was more enjoyable. I still LOVE to smoke but I don't over do it as frmr said. Two big hits and wait to see if I want more.

I remember the reefer I got years ago, smelled of pine. Us teenagers dubbed it "Christmas Tree" because it seemed to always come in around xmas and smelled of pine.

Brick Top

New Member
You might want to consider Mexican Sativa from Sensi Seeds. It's a cross of strains that were popular in the 70's so there would be some similarity to what you remember, though likely more potent than you remember toking. Mexican Oaxacan x Hash Plant x Durban. I don't think you stand much of a chance finding weak old giggle-weed strains these days.

It always amazes me, and I think it is a shame, how some people never experienced anything other than weak giggle-weed in the 70's. Some of the very best most potent pot I ever smoked was in the 70's. Some of it was head and shoulders above anything I have found in many years and if I could find seeds from a few strains of it I would never grow anything other than it again.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
you're after a EUPHORIC buzz. a lot of strains have that, and even have OTHER different qualities too. if you've been smoking a lot lately, you KNOW what couchlock is... it's that heavy tired feeling you get from most strains on the streets. it sounds like you're in one of those places where you can't get anything BUT stoner bud. i'll go through a bunch of strains i've either read a lot about or tried first hand to let YOU decide which ones sound the best to you.

starting with the stoniest ones first and working up the energy levels:

if you want a strain that gets you high & happy at first, but will creep up on you and put you to sleep after a couple hours, LSD & mataro blue are very similar smoking though my LSD was really short and maybe a more indica pheno than other's get. both have slight hints of grape flavor too. these are both reasonably low odor strains though my LSD had a slight sickengly sweet cat piss on flowers & grapes odor when you get really close to it that faded to nicer grapes later in flowering. my mataro blues grew taller & lankier than LSD and without the cat pissy early flowering.

jillybean is an huge favorite everywhere and most smokers love everything by TGA subcool. if you smoke a lot, it will put you to sleep. here, read up on a really good smoke report for it... https://www.rollitup.org/smoke-reports/451875-uncured-tga-subcool-jillybean-smoke.html that should do a good job of putting a smile on your face if you want a buzz that's more of the "mellow out" end of the spectrum. the odor can be strong for jilly, but it's supposed to be more fruity than skunky.

some other strains that are more in the middle maybe that are known for euphoria include: blueberry, bubblegum & skunk #1. i've only tried skunk #1 & a couple blueberries and definitely liked them more than "nothing but stoned" strains, but i don't like ANY couchlock where most people at least tolerate it or even like it, especially for medical strains. the couchlock in these don't sound as extreme as jillybean's can be and blueberry & skunk were definitely more "mid" (in the middle buzzwise) than LSD & MB which do both extremes with heavy finishes. all three of these can get a little to really skunky from what i've read.. never grown any of them.

what smokes like a "true mid" to me is mandala's 8 miles high. i love that buzz as it has absolutely no energy effects if harvested early. (you'll get a stonier buzz out of anything the later you harvest it). it's a strain you can chill out on with movies or music, but that likes to get busy too. i ended up doing the robot to tunes on it and love how it gets everything "just right". it's playful & happy, but not as extreme as more sativa stuff can get. short stuff's super cali haze has a similar buzz that's probably a little more potent and trippy and yields lower & slower maybe, but combine it's buzz with it's delicious grape flavor, and you might not want to smoke anything ever again. i'll take both the high & flavor of this over blueberry every time as it's more authentic. blueberry has a very subtle flavor like you have a grain of artificial blueberry cereal sugar on your tongue.

i haven't tried laughing buddha yet, but i bet a nickel it has more motivational qualities than jillybean. it's THE strain i most want to try for a euphoric buzz. this is where strains start getting really motivational and lower in odor too.

high quality seed's haze x skunk is MY current indoor favorite. it's REALLY strong and very psychoactive. it has a little bit of stony lead eye unlike 8 miles high, but that's overpowered by it's creativity & motivation. it's a 12 week strain, but if you want some truly ass kicking potent old school bud, you could do far worse than this. there are many breeders out there that have haze skunk & haze x lemon skunk crosses that should be comparable or possible even better. i just know i WISH i had nothing but this to smoke after indoor strains ruined the street market. this is one that WILL give you the dreaded spinning room syndrome if you bus a couple woofing hits. this is the strain though that not only got me to quit drinking a 6 pack of 16s a night cold turkey, but that also started me dieting & exercising by simply ignoring hunger pangs and sticking with whatever fun i was having. it's a wicked long lasting buzz too and you can still feel it a little the next day. after a couple weeks of wake & baking on it, it started building up in my system so i'd be slightly buzzed all day even when i wasn't smoking with hints of low grade nausea that were easy to ignore by keeping busy. i bet it has great med use potential, but shouldn't be smoked by people that are naturally twitchy or paranoid as this one does give you paranoia as potent sativas will do

for a more clear headed and racy buzz that's reall only suitable for activities, kali mist & C99 are awesome. i'd rather smoke kali mist as it has a delicious spicy crushed red pepper flavor and higher euphoria than at least joey weed's discontinued C99s, but C99 finishes in just 45-55 days which few energetic strains do. i also think the euphoria level in KM might be higher. it's a lot like a shroom trip. BTW, if you want a REALLY euphoric buzz, you should try shrooming at least once. nothing tops that i've tried. i was given some at a concert and ended up walking home in the rain and not caring one bit and feeling at total peace with the universe without the speedy effects of KM & C99. i can see why people have religious experiences shrooming now. back to KM, i couldn't sit still on it to listen to tunes & ended up cleaning the house grinning ear to ear probably singing don't worry be happy. at that point, i missed getting high so much, i eventually begged to buy an eigth for $120 to no avail. those 2 strains are better suited to activities only... work, dates, or playing sports. forget blazing them & taking a nap! i like a more balanced and trippy buzz better as they let you listen to tunes, but would smoke KM & C99 over any street beasters any day.

other breeders have different C99s. JWs were very clear headed, racy, euphoric & creative with a slightly grape taste, but the "best" pheno of C99 is the infamous "potent pineapple" which mosca supposedly has now with a range of highs from stoney to trippy. i haven't tried anything but JWs so far & can't compare them.

something back to a mellower buzz you might like is JW's C99 x A11 which will be more psychoactive & mellow. it sounds like a funner 24/7 strain. if you want to try that one, hurry as i think it will be off the market soon as JW dropped both C99 & A11 from his line and i expect it to vanish when it sells out too. i don't know where you could get apollo 11 anymore but that's C99 x genius. it's a mellower stonier buzz with more psychoactivity, so the cross should be somewhere in the middle and be something you can function on though i haven't heard of A11 putting anyone to sleep yet

there are plenty of other strains out there that have euphoria and i think trippy sativas generally have euphoria in them as i've always enjoyed them and would rather smoke mexican brick than any sticky cash crapper strain.

i REALLY want to try world of seeds' columbian gold to see if it measures up to the absolute best i've ever smoked even if it's 25% indica. i'd expect that one to be more visual than haze x skunk, and probably stonier too, but hopefully not sacrificing that light floating on air & walking downhill effect that gold has. HS isn't shabby, but gold just amps your senses up a little more even if it's not as potent though i'd expect it might gain some potency with the extra resin the indica in it brings. i used to laugh my ass off at the stupidest stuff on gold, have munchies orgasms, and see weird shit like TV looking like it's 3D. that's STILL the absolute best buzz if the knockoff could approximate it, but HS is anything but shabby, just more clear headed and motivational. then again, i never hit that as deep as i used to in the old days which is how you get the trippiest buzz.

there, that should cover a wide range of buzzes for you to pick from and i'm sure others will weigh in on the stuff they've tried too. as euphoric as jillybean is, i bet romulan is a happy strain too, but i don't like the sound of either it's couchlock or skunkiness, but everyone's tastes are different.

diesel strains are really popular and have nice buzzes, but i think they're about the most disgusting tasting to the point of being hard to smoke. i bought some bud i KNOW was diesel something by the taste and grew out some onyx that was diesel too. it literally tastes like you scraped up some truck stop oil stain and started smoking it. i hada hard time even blazing it it was so foul to me, but loved the buzz! it was playful & euphoric and particularly sensual. for some reason it kept making me play footsie with myself. that might just be the best buzz to get laid on! i just can't get past the flavor

speaking of bad flavors... i can't stand the taste of licorice either, but durban poison literally tastes like you're smoking a stick of licorice! it's supposed to be really trippy, but i found it milder than gold and more of a happy motivational buzz with a neutral energy level. it was hard to take big hits on as it expands like a mofo making you woof and for me, it induced dry heaves. i bet that's where it gets it's poison name from. i like the flavor better than diesel though as it's at least "natural" and would even gladly dry heave on it again if it were the only bud i could find to get high on. if you like licorice, it's a really exotic strain with a great old school buzz.

sativa seeds has an oaxican mexican sativa that's described as being euphoric too call eldorado. i'll have to test it and report back as i have beans waiting to get popped. they're a good source for sativas n the cheap. i have some of their 25% NL#5 urban poison (indoor city?) i wanted to test & breed for fun too and back when their nirvana line still had H19 skunk, i could see it looked more IBL than high quality seeds verson and might have been trippier with less to no lead eye or that mild cigar wrapper taste i didn't like about HxS.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
I'd say you could try some Kaliman genetics, they have great cheese crosses and unhybridised exodus cheese in seed form, and 50% off on attitude. i think cheese is happy giggle weed, Definitely the case for my own recent TGA- Pandora's box, nice growth and pure candy/sour patch lime taste, covered in resin. i smoke a bowl or bong of this and i can help but smile like an idiot from ear to ear or start giggling, it can be stupefying and smoking too much tends to become uncomfortable and extreme.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
hey, glad to help. this forum rocks for getting the REAL lowdown on strains as you can't find a decent smoke report anywhere in many forums and THAT is the most important info.

as a follow up to the last 2 replies, i bet cheese is euphoric as the skunk #1 i was getting for a bit was really happy at first, but later on, it started getting more & more stoney. if you don't mind getting stoned, go for it! cutting the afghani in half in haze x skunk is more to my tastes. the haze really keeps the buzz motivational, but that strain is going to take longer to grow

i love the buzz of diesel based onyx, but have had that and another diesel and don't like the taste at all. i guess you just gotta be a gearhead to like it.


Well-Known Member
I'd try TGA/Subcool's Jillybean, I gave some to a neighbor who sent some of it to his mom a 70's hippie chick who loved it, said it reminded her of the good old stuff back then. Easy to grow, doesn't stink like skunks and tastes fantastic (mostly pineapple) That's in 12-15 % THC level still much stronger than the 70's weed, just don't overdo it when you smoke.
a second choice is Dr Greenthumbs "Big Laughing"
I have to agree. I smoked Jillybean all day yesterday and I have to admit it is Giggly, happy, relaxing. It does what people who've never smoked cannabis before believe it does. It got the giggly euphoria that you are alooking for for sure. JillyBean sounds like its for you.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
you know what? eff it, i'm testing jilly for my C99 x A11 breeding session & will compare it directly with barney's laughing buddha. i bet i'll like the more energetic LB buzz better, but the cross with cinderella apollo should be really nice and a lot faster finishing. if jilly has a strong stone, an extra dose of vitamin C ought to perk it up a little and A11 has a euphiric mellow buzz in it's own right.

as much as i don't like stone, i have had fun early buzzes off similar sounding skunk #1. most stoner bud i've smoked though doesn't even have euphoria.