Looking for Advice on taking clones

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
I plan to take 2-3 clones from my "mother" which I plan to flower in twoweeks. Will this be enough for the cutting to get some roots and be put into flower also?
Is this the correct method too?:
-cut 45angle
-root stim/hormones
-into peat cup of soil or peat puck??
- set in tray with some water
-covered with dome


Well-Known Member
the dome isnt necessary ime. what i do is cut dip it in cloning solution and then plant it in regular soil inside a solo party cups.... within a week or two youll see roots.... patience is very important in cloning, some clones root vey very fast while others take a little longer to root. you will find out how easy it is to clone. good luck and happy grow

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
Would it be worth my time and money to invest in all the materials? What are rapid rooters and where can I get them? twoweeks veg is me stretching it, I only want to go about 10 days as the "mother" thats going to be flowered looks like it's a nice size.


Well-Known Member
If your planning on flowering the clones with the mother why cut them off to begin with? You'd do better to leave them on her, or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
A mother is a plant you never really take out of veg. I've had a mother in the same pot for over two years now that has donated clones to at least 5 grows. Your options are:

Take some clones and throw your donor plant immediately into flower. Your clones you can veg until you're ready to flower another batch and/or save 1 or 2 for a on-going mother plant.

Takes some clones, veg them out a bit and then flower them. Mother stays in veg.

I wouldn't recommend taking clones and then trying to flower with the mother at the same time.

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice! I'll just stick with these two girls (this one and what looks like a bad pheno?). I'll just stick with fem seeds until I have some more experience. Hopefully I can make my own seeds eventually!