Looking for advice on water & nutrients.


Active Member
I am confused about water & nutrients and need help! Ok, deep breath, here we go:


250w Blue CFL & Reflector
400w HPS & Reflector
100MM Extractor with Carbon Filter (New addition to setup)
75x75x160 BudBox Medium


1/3 Perlite
1/3 Vermiculite
1/3 Peat Moss


Biobizz Grow
Biobizz Bloom
Biobizz TopMax

I used the above setup on my first grow (without the extractor) and had pretty good results. The only real problems I had was with yellowing leaves and brown spots which was caused (I think) by nutrient burn and nutrient lock out. My soil mix allowed me to recover by flushing the plants with lots of water but I had to do it 3 times during the plants lives which I know is not good for them! I was using half the recommended dose of ferts but watering daily every day.
This time I am thinking of moving to Biobizz Light Mix soil with the same Biobizz ferts but I am really confused about how often I should water. If I decide to only water every few days, I will presume that I will have to go back to using full dosage of ferts (less water, less ferts right?). I know its not an exact science but I am hoping to get some info on what others have done. Maybe Biobizz ferts are not the best but I presume my question is relevant for all concentrated liquid ferts..

:peace:, Perplaxed Irish grower.


Well-Known Member
sounds likeyou used too much nute last time. you could try demand watering and then feed at half strength every third watering. demand watering is when you wait until the pot dries before watering, then water enough for the water to run out of the bottom of the plant. with this schedule, you'll be feeding about every week.


Active Member
thanks desertrat, ive never even heard of demand watering! it didnt feel right to be watering and feeding every day. Im no plant expert (although Im slowly becoming one) but it jsut seems like a lot of food & water. so if I get you right, I water with recommended amout of ferts, check dailt till soil is completely dry, then feed again. every third time I do this, I should only give half the ferts? will this work with nutrient free soil or should i move to biobizz light mix aswell??



Active Member
Yo man
I think your making it too difficult.
They'll grow whatever... see what works best for you. Water plants when the top 1" of soil/soil mix has gone dry (same as with all potted plants).
Dont leave the roots sitting in water
...and I mix in a handful of blood, fish and bone to each pot. This is a slow release fert allowing the plant extra nuts when it needs it.
But only use liq fert once every 2 times. Less is better than more.
I would also mix in 1/4 compost, man, its the real shit, plants love it.


Well-Known Member
thanks desertrat, ive never even heard of demand watering! it didnt feel right to be watering and feeding every day. Im no plant expert (although Im slowly becoming one) but it jsut seems like a lot of food & water. so if I get you right, I water with recommended amout of ferts, check dailt till soil is completely dry, then feed again. every third time I do this, I should only give half the ferts? will this work with nutrient free soil or should i move to biobizz light mix aswell??

. you are better off using a soil mix with no added nutes. start with half nutes no sooner than 3 weeks of age. you can slowly increase nutes during the grow.


Active Member
thanks plantman. less is more, heard that before, good to hear it again! do you use your own blood? (sorry attempt at a joke) so i definately need some slow release ferts, whats a good compost to add? will normal multipurpose compost do or do you think biobizz light mix will give me what i need??

(All advice greatfully received!!)


Active Member
shit dudes, all sounds like good advice. now i have to decide on the best soil mix to use. will defeinately go much lighter on biobizz concentrates but whats the best soil mix for a novice like me???

(I'm starting to feel stupid again.......)


Active Member
shit dudes, all sounds like good advice. now i have to decide on the best soil mix to use. will defeinately go much lighter on biobizz concentrates but whats the best soil mix for a novice like me???

(I'm starting to feel stupid again.......)
Get yo self a bag or two of good multi purpose compost, mix in some shit if ya feel like it (i.e. perlite etc). I do, most people do and it makes it a little more fun. Then water them when the tops dry. Always water them until water comes out of the bottom. Good idea to make sure drainage holes dont get blocked. I put a layer of gravel at the bottom of my pots.

Remember weed is a weed...it'll grow in anything if it gets water, food and light. Right amount of water. Right amount of food. Most light you can afford!

Good luck my brother :mrgreen: