Looking for advice


Well-Known Member
So i bought a new T5 Lighting system 4 2' bulbs. i got Feminized Grand Daddy Purple seeds. Im only gonna do 3 plants to start and because of space restrictions. I've been germinating 3 seeds in a small bag with a lil bit of water for about 1 1/2 days. They've all sprouted but aren't really all that long yet. How long should i let them go to produce a longer stem to plant? I'm using miracle grow garden soil to grow them in. I just wanted some general tips like is 18/6 a good light schedule? If so how long should i let them go at 18/6 before i switch to 12/12 for flowering? Is it necessary to switch from 6400k spectrum bulbs to 2700k when i do switch over to 12/12? Is their any specific fertilizer i should use? and when do i want to start feeding my plants? How often do i feed them?

any help is appreciated. Im going for superior quality over quanity.
Once the roots pop out of the shell put them in the soil or rockwool/ rapid rooters right away before they become too long!!! 18/6-24/0 is fine you choose how you want to do it. When to put them in 12/12 is up to you really. Everyone is different. Some like to go straight to it some take 2 months veg etc. All fertilizers are good to use, you will need to know how to use them. Just don't waste your money on AN nutes. You can find cheaper nutes and have same or better results.


I hope they're in soil already, if they had sprouted 3 days ago and are still in water they're likely drowned haha. I know a lot of people love Fox Farms Ocean Forest, but most quality soils you pick up at a hydro store should be good and the people tend to be helpful. Either way, you want to get those seeds into whatever soil ASAP, even Miracle Gro is better than not-gonna-gro. The seed only has enough energy to get the plant sprouted and its 2 baby leaves (cotyledons) unfolded so it can start to make energy.

Realistically, 18/6 is great throughout your veg period and you can choose to put your plant into flowering mode at any time by moving the lighting down to 12/12. Expect your plant to double or triple in height during flower, so figure how high you want them to end up without running into your lights. You can go ahead and switch the bulbs out to 2700 when you start flowering, aka 12/12.

Definitely hit up the newbie grower threads in this forum, a lot of this is basic info and you'll learn so much by doing it. The 101 Already Asked Questions sticky is a great place to start!
