Looking for advice


Well-Known Member
Omg with patience and steady hands so I don’t spill any. I worked up a long Trough type thing to help me water. Lol but it isn’t easy. My plan wasn’t to have this many, But when you buy clones from some people they make you buy 6+ at a time. Some strains I have 3 plants of but each strain I have aleast two of.
I know it sucks, but sometimes you just have to "cull the herd".
Take your best plants in the begining, and give away the rest.
In your area I wouldn't go above 12 plants, because of manageability/ drying/curing/selling.
You have too many plants, and seeing as they are Sativa dom, the scrog shit ain't gonna work, unless you top the shit out of them (get rid of the net)
Let them grow, you have over 40" till they run out of headroom, so you should be good to go
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