Looking for advice

I was just looking for some advice from some people when I trim my meds what should I hook my buddy up with for trimming I was going to give him 1oz for every 17oz he trims but bc of rot I don't have as much plus he is 62 with cataracts lol I was gonna do for every 9oz I'll give him an oz any suggestions?
Honestly for me would depend how much he is trimming in total, what his time frame is, did you do entire grow yourself, is the rest for your use, are you also trimming, how close of a buddy. These all would be factors
I would give him an oz as your both going to be learning if it’s your first rodeo.

I typically pay new folks 10-15 per hour but a experienced trimmer that hits the door and gets to work 20-25 per hour.
Damn .... skimming a poor old dude with hazy eyes ..... ( damn shame :mrgreen: lol )

what happens to your trim ? ..... is it usable ? .... for like making tincture maybe or making the old dude some cookies ?

( Elephant in room ........ ) How well does a cataract sufferer “ trim “ ? ......... asking for a friend
Damn .... skimming a poor old dude with hazy eyes ..... ( damn shame :mrgreen: lol )

what happens to your trim ? ..... is it usable ? .... for like making tincture maybe or making the old dude some cookies ?

( Elephant in room ........ ) How well does a cataract sufferer “ trim “ ? ......... asking for a friend
Well he definitely took more than he could trim lol he was here for 3-4 hours and only trimmed 37 grams and I gave him 10 grams that day on top whatever he packed in his pockets haha never again