Looking for Aeroponic kit

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I have been shopping for an aeroponic kit with all the stuff right in it to get started. Many listed but few truly aeroponic. Most are on the pricy side but might be willing to pay if the results paid off. Considering separate building with ample AC/Heat to control temps. Want to try the dual 1000 watt with vent to get results. I just don't see much posted about the topic as most described here are homemade. I am handy but wish to save time. Just a starter kit to get an idea of what it's about would do. Online order is usually how I go as the stores are miles away. I have done business at Hydroponic Nation and may end up there.
I just can't believe someone isn't using one of these things. The video just looks so darn convincing. They also sell retro fit kits. The ad also states that it's made from food safe materials. Other items I have viewed don't even say what they are made of. Here is the you tube link for your consideration. 27 plants in one tank would be quite a grow indeed. Room for tomatoes too I would suppose.
Hello smokin away,

Yeah, I've been looking at that too. Their prices are sane. There's another high pressure aero system that's $1,500 online and it can be built for about $400.

I have the aerotop platinum 60.
Just started it on the 10th.
I've shelved the idea of this for now. I don't need that much stuff laying about. I do however think it's a worthy idea that's just going to need more work than I can muster for now. I'm guessing the best thing to do if you were really into it would be to engineer one made from metal components. Cooper pipes and steel sprayers would certainly complicate it but nice idea.
If you are interested you could look into the "MistKing" systems. They sell three kits online - starter, ultimate and advanced. It's a one-stop shop for Aeroponics other than the reservoir. It is expensive (~$250) depending on the set up you get AND it probably won't last all that long (a couple years?), but if you wanted to get up and running quickly, it would pribably do the trick.

I run an aerosystem at the moment using the Mistking. It is temporary until other nozzles come in from Amazon. One piece of advice is try to build an aero. system youself - this way if something were to go wrong, you know how to fix it. :)
Convenience always comes at a price ;) Looking at mistkings prices here in europe, a 5 nozzle basic setup would run the equivalent of $222. Shopping around its possible to get it for $100, about the right money for a basic "pumped" HP system.
You might get a couple of years out of the pump if its decent quality. Their higher priced systems increase the number of nozzles but they dont offer any additional benefits for aero like an accumulator/solenoid would.
I love the mist king set-up.

I suggest you start with the advanced system. While you're at it, choose the option to go with the 3/8 inch tubing, and the RCT-24. ($6 more) This timer allows you to set the (diaphragm) pump on the repeat cycles that your aero system would need to be supported properly.
Along with this, you may want to find a different sprayer on eBay, or Amazon ( search for "black plastic 3gph nozzles w/poly filter push tee 3/8 - $90 for 10. The sprayer nozzles that come with the advanced mist king system are a bit large, and in the way of the roots as the develop ($200 less if you opt out on the Mist king nozzles)

I love this system! My plants love it as well. Try what works best for you.

tmp_9884-20170402_2201561481320487.jpg My Blue widow are 18 days old from seed, and munching up nutes at 1/7 min spray intervals.
The set-up in the picture is w 1/2 inch. I will be expanding with Fogponics very soon.

So speaking from my limited experience, do as I should have done and get the correct system first.
The half inch lines are way too narrow (!!clogging issues!!) for any high ppms and also allows for the higher pressure on regular intervals. It sounds as if you're building your system as well. This is a great idea! No-one knows better how to service and troubleshoot than the one who constructed it.

Advanced system to my spec should be in here in two days. If there is any interest, I can keep you posted.

I wish you the best of luck/experiences with your grow. Keep us posted!
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Using 3/8" tubing will cause the mist to run-on for longer than the smaller tubing. If the 3/8 was feeding a solenoid, and not the nozzles directly, it would be a plus as it`ll carry more flow and have less pressure loss. The cycle timer setting for HP pump driven aero is usually around 3-4 seconds as thats typically how long the pump takes to get upto speed. If you mist for 60 seconds your overmisting and the roots will look decidely like hydro roots.
The advanced mistking system is £435 over here, for an extra £65 you could have the equivalent of an Atomix with 2 nozzles, 2 solenoids, digital cycle timer and a bambi bb24v silent air compressor.
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Using 3/8" tubing will cause the mist to run-on for longer than the smaller tubing. If the 3/8 was feeding a solenoid, and not the nozzles directly, it would be a plus as it`ll carry more flow and have less pressure loss. The cycle timer setting for HP pump driven aero is usually around 3-4 seconds as thats typically how long the pump takes to get upto speed. If you mist for 60 seconds your overmisting and the roots will look decidely like hydro roots.
The advanced mistking system is £435 over here, for an extra £65 you could have the equivalent of an Atomix with 2 nozzles, 2 solenoids, digital cycle timer and a bambi bb24v silent air compressor.

Thanks for The interest. I enjoyed reading your posts. You know your system well.

That said, the system which I am speaking of does include the repeat cycle timer (RCT-24). It's a digital timer of which is made specifically to support growing applications. This timer allows anywhere from continuous spray (don't recommend), to seconds. You may also set the timer to cycle differently during the day, than the evening.

This system does include a solenoid. The feed will be precise and consistent to spec. I do highly recommend the 3/8 lines. The 1/4 inch lines will clog with ease.

You can check out mistking's site.

I find it to be a solid system, IMHO.

Starting Fogponics within the week. I will be integrating/expanding with my current stack. Running 2x LEC 315s, later to integrate my Kind LED micro flower light bar. If there's any interest, I can post a thread on it.
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The 1/4" lines wont clog if the nutes are 100% soluble.If you have solid particles in the nutes your nozzles will have no chance ;)
Looking forward to seeing how you do with ultrasonic fog, i tried everything to make it work but never had any luck.
The 1/4" lines wont clog if the nutes are 100% soluble.If you have solid particles in the nutes your nozzles will have no chance ;)
Looking forward to seeing how you do with ultrasonic fog, i tried everything to make it work but never had any luck.

Why couldn't you get ultrasonic fog to work? What problems did you have?
The 1/4" lines wont clog if the nutes are 100% soluble.If you have solid particles in the nutes your nozzles will have no chance ;)
Looking forward to seeing how you do with ultrasonic fog, i tried everything to make it work but never had any luck.

That was a typo. Thanks for pointing it out. 1/8 is the more narrow. The manufacturer offers the option of an 1/8 line system, or the 3/8 system (ideal).

I should go back to edit what I intended to put in there.

Thanks, guy.
Why couldn't you get ultrasonic fog to work? What problems did you have?

We havent started with the fogger system just yet. It's It'll be integrated in a day or two. Completely upgraded, and homemade system.

Side note; I was asked to place one of my Magdrive ran lps cloners in a large Toronto Hydro store today! Very easy to make, and no leaks if you're doing correctly. Or just go buy one.

The picture below shows my beta set-up. It has the 1/8 line which has clogged on me when I once forgot to top up my res below. Ppms got too high which clogged the sprayers.

Have a nice day!tmp_14450-20170402_2201561158656106.jpg
I have been doing fogponics for a few months now and love it, I started with a 12 cup cloner and now have 2 dual 2 1/2 gal expanded clay systems going the roots are about three times longer than the entire plant. I would post a pic but I am in my dark cycle right now. I like it because there is no plumbing, just a $10 ultrasonic fogger from Amazon. The foggers last a couple of months and I like to keep a backup just in case. But I haven't lost a clone yet and the full size plants seem to like them too.
That's very exciting. I would like to hear about your nutes, yield, and lights. Have you heard of house of fog? Their fogger are made with Teflon disks. Furthermore, there are multi-disc units available. There are many accessories like floaters to hold, and keep the fogger unit at the proper depth in the resivior. Also, 3/8 close system auto fill check valves for your res, two year warranty, ect.. All kinds of cool stuff which is designed for fogponics. Many links on their site for set-ups/stacks.

I can't wait to see the pics. I will be posting as soon as it's good to go!
That's very exciting. I would like to hear about your nutes, yield, and lights. Have you heard of house of fog? Their fogger are made with Teflon disks. Furthermore, there are multi-disc units available. There are many accessories like floaters to hold, and keep the fogger unit at the proper depth in the resivior. Also, 3/8 close system auto fill check valves for your res, two year warranty, ect.. All kinds of cool stuff which is designed for fogponics. Many links on their site for set-ups/stacks.

I can't wait to see the pics. I will be posting as soon as it's good to go!

I am way to cheap to buy from the House of Fog LOL When my lights come on I will post a few photos for you on how I go without a $10 float (I really am cheap). Right now I am mostly using homebuilt CMH lights (I will post some pics) but I am working on my first COB build and if I can ever find them Quantum boards. This is what inspired me to play with fog
Why couldn't you get ultrasonic fog to work? What problems did you have?
The ultrasonic fog droplet size is too small. You`ll find you have to fog the hell out of the chamber to supply enough moisture. The high concentration of densely packed droplets soak the roots and block access to atmospheric O2.
If you get accidently buried under a load of tennis balls,you`d be able to breathe, if it was sand you`d suffocate. The difference is in the particle size. The principle of this type of aero is to suspend the roots in mist with the correct droplet range "and" the ideal ratio of water and air. It will resemble a transparent haze not the dense white smoke you often see in fogger vids.
The vid above isnt powered by ultrasonic foggers, it uses a1000psi direct drive misting pump and10-24 brass misting nozzles. The plant roots at the top of the 4" pipe will get soaked by the 8 seconds of mist he runs every 4 minutes (pump on/off 350x a day), the rest will get the condensate that runs down the pipe.
Here are some pics this is the cloner 20170314_231601.jpg 20170217_203226.jpg


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Some pics of my 2 1/2 gallon grow, the fogger is being held by a paperclip (no expensive float for me lol) this is a 4 inch plant and you can see some roots poking out the bottom

I am moving lights around so I have an old blurpie going in that room


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