Looking for an ultra quite exhaust fan


New Member
Can anyone recommend a very quite exhaust fan? I have a basic set up that works a treat but my fan is too loud and it will only bring attention to the neighbours as I use my garden shed. Iv completed one grow so far with great results, but a good fan is something I need to invest in.


Well-Known Member
Not so much the fan...see it the way you mount it on rubber cord or bungee rope, and insulated with foams

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
A speed controller might help. A big fan turning at a slow speed is quieter than a small fan turning fast.


Active Member

It is pretty conspicuous, but you might be able to place it in a good spot, depending on your situation. Works well enough for me, not nearly as loud as I expected. Can't hear it at all on the other side of the shed. If yours is unreasonably loud, this one isn't. It is what it is, though. Even though I don't use duct-work, it has a good enough pull for ventilation. Temps have been steady in an insulated 12x12x16 with 1800w HID; two rooms, one fan. Used to be in the 90's (while snowing), stays below 77 now. I don't need a speed controller, just a thermostat, but it couldn't hurt.

Amazon reviews if you're looking for something else...Good luck!


Well-Known Member
the quietest on the market is active air

u hear the sound the most when u are infront of it compared to next to it
the best way to hide this would be with a box that incased the fan with padding (but doing this means the fan retaines heat more and it will cut off if the temp gets to 140 f)

your exhust vent.....that is where most of the sound will come from if u can vent it out the dryer or even up the chimme it will look more normal and u should be ok (i have mine venting out a window one of the pannels broke........infront of i sprayed it black and then added black foam to cover the window inside (it looks like it is just covered up ............then to make sure it was blocked well i moved a trashcan we use for leaves and branches in yard work ) ..........unless u are with in 12 feet of it u can not hear anything i got a state cop next door


Active Member
I had a similar issue with 4" inline fan that was in a closet hanging from bungy cords....I had a speed controller as well but due to heat issue I had to run full speed pretty much anyway. Here is what I was able to do, since I am in a closet and able to duct to attic I ended up moving fan to attic, bought a rubber made stuffed it with pillows, set fan in there and even bought an exhaust silencer for my fan....cut holes in rubber made for ducting and silencer and rigged it up. Never had issue with heat or fan shutting off in the attic and it made much less noise. You can still hear it though....Is the fan to get the heat out mainly or to filter out smell through carbon filter....or both? Another thing you can do as I am looking into it now is change your light! I am looking into LED that runs much cooler and I wont need to the big exhaust fan. Although you still need good air movement and a fan to pull air through the carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
Many great suggestions...type of fan, isolating with rubber mounts or bungees, insulating box, type of insulation and silencers all have a hand in suppressing the overall sound level. Here's a DIY vid about silencing a fan by insulating and boxing it.



Well-Known Member
all fans are relatively noisy. Even if you can silence the fan you still have to deal with the sound of the air movement. Like someone else said its better to get a large fan on a speed controller. I use a Panasonic whisper line it's the quietest and I found so far but you can still hear it outside of the tent


Well-Known Member
Acoustic wooden box fans wipe floor with all those in video an are only 40 db in sound that's moving 1500 CFM