Looking for Assistance on a 100 lb. Grow

That Canadian

Active Member
Hello growers,

I am currently planning a massive grow (in my view) of a hundred pounds. I plan to grow 60 plants commercially to produce 46,000 g or 102 lbs.

I plan to use GHS Arjan's Haze #1, GHS Church, Sweet Seeds Ganesh Spirit, Sweet Green Poison, and Sweet Seeds Black Jack. I will grow 6 plots of ten spread along the countryside. Unfortunately, I am worried about soil,nutes, etc. I am hoping to grow as organically as possible.

I've heard good things about Fox Farm so what soil mix would you suggest? Would I germinate with light warrior then transplant into ground with a 2-1 mix of ocean forest and light warrior? What nutes should I use? Should I use anything for strengthening roots? When flowering should I use molasses potash or something similar?

This is going to be my largest grow to date so I trying to plan everything to a tee. Any and all information is helpful and much appreciated!
Having what sounds like little knowledge of growing and shooting for 100 pounds is a little crazy, but definetly not impossible.

It will start with growing mothers of a solid strain known to perform outdoors, taking cuttings, and then having every key locked in. I'd say start a little smaller. Start some mothers, have clones ready to go. Do lots of preparation - dig nice sized holes fill them with decent soil and have very basic nutes ready to go to keep it as simple as possible. Have pesticides and herbicides ready. Don't put all plants close together, put a couple in several locations.

It's not as hard as many make it sound, but it takes a lot of planning and a lot of hard work. I'd say do 10-20 plants and make sure everything is perfect. Aim for a half pound per plant so that you're not let down. But really in your climate you could expect anything from 1-3 pounds depending on many different factors.

People will share negative opinions but this is the internet and only you know what you're capable of.


400 plants from seed. 1/2 are males 10% of females will die due to various cause. thats 180 plants. fert twice a season. once during vegging and once during flowering. using native soil and bagseed. with lttle effort u will reach ur goal, unless it a dry summer. watering 180 plants is not fun but is a good workout.


Well-Known Member
100lbs of green......im pretty sure thats a bigger hassel then your thinking its gonna be...i couldn't imagin dealing with anything over a couple lbs by myself


Well-Known Member
i am not saying it can't be done because it can, but how are you planning to get 100+ lbs from 60 plants. you are aware that most plants average 2.5 oz... this means you need closer to 640 plants to grow 100lbs. to get this from 60 plants you would have to yeild per plant about 10 times the average yeild of 1 plant.
Average 2.5 is prob indoor, I got a lil over 68 oz from ONE outdoor plant this year.....his goal is very reachable and I could do it with under 30 plants.


Well-Known Member
Wonder if the OP did end up trying this...I mean based on his posts I would guess it was his first grow ever. His expectations were realistic but just not for a first time


Well-Known Member
if u have t oask this question..yr in now place to grow 102 lbs... maybe 2 oz... somone that would be doing this large wouldnt waiste there time on here cuz they would be working for some organized crime shit...now if i had to do it... 100 lbs..100 plants..spaced 5 feet apart..use clones ..veg indoors 1 to 2 months befor your main growing iseason..top the plants onces..then twice then fimm the rest of the tips.. then u will get a 1 lb or more plants.. (1 to 3 ) then have a army of strippers a few kegs yr best freinds and a shit ton of clippers cus it will take u a month to trim.. how do i know,... ? one of my boys runs a warehouse in Denver and he just brought down a 150lb dry harvest...with 4 to 5 foot wide trees and stalks the size of baseball bats...


Active Member
hi good luck with it mate me and my friend did 30 outdoor plants and this is england! but we have had amazing sun through out the year well out of 30 we lost 15 if you think keeping 60 plants alive will be easy think again!!!!!!! we had all sort of problems slugs,theifs!,rabbits! and some other problems not knowing the reason of and dont forget trimming all them buds!!! fuck me i payed 4 of my mates £50 each to help but hey i hope you do well like i say not impossible and o ya 100lbs not a chance sorry but really you have no chance unless all your seeds are high very high yeilders we did power plant and skunk no.1 and ended up roughly with 10 ounce wet from each plant think dryed down to 500g wich i will not complain about but let me tell you the effort we put in was unbleivable every day walking 1 hour walk out the way to them sorting all of them out is alot of work but any ways cant say much more than all the best with it mate :)