Looking for Caregiver


Hi, I am looking to fill my second slot if possible...dropped Slater as my CG. I do have someone signed already but has had challenges from time to time. I am disabled with spinal cord lesion, spasms, nerve pains, knee damage and PTSD, I use MMJ to treat.

I am not expecting free medication monthly or anything like that and gladly donate for your hard work. Ideal CG would be able to help with flowers, hash or kief, edibles and possibly clones or seeds. I am hoping to find someone that I can establish a working relationship with, not just supply with medications but to work with me and advise, etc. as my needs change.

If anyone is looking for patient, lets talk, please PM me.
send me a message too. I keep it legit so you'd have to add me as a caregiver then were on..i get all my stuff potency tested, mostly for my own info. my pb cookies were 2.8/g and average 15 grams. I've done lollipops that were too weak, so testing is good for consistency.
If you are still looking for a professional caregiver to help, you are more than welcome to contact me through my website to setup a time to talk in person. I cater to all my patients needs, as long as it is legal. Here is the link if you or anyone else is interested. www.naturalsolutionsllc.org
to the op... I hope you find someone but this stuffs not allowed here..

for all our protection


how is a medical marijuana patient looking for a medical marijuana caregiver not allowed on a medical marijuana patients forum? lol where is this rule posted?
I've been a patient in RI since May but have not had time to really look into a private CG.. I've been having to depend solely on slater for my meds which has limited my access greatly. Most strains make my anxiety worse but I've found some that don't and help greatly! I was hoping that there are still some good honest caregivers left with slots open who may be able to help?