Looking for experienced LED growers.


Well-Known Member
I thought I would post these pictures of my micro grow. It's just a small grow 2-3 plants. I have two more ufos to go in there but I haven't unpacked them. So just picture them. Plus I need to put my other 2 buckets together. But this is it well almost. Still need my vent fan and can. Anyhow here you go guy's. Good luck



Well-Known Member
Thanks you guys each one of you for making me proud to call this thread mine :D Keep the LED's COMING! :D


Active Member
Here are a few tips from a 600 watt LED owner
1. Never put light too close during vegged or ealse you will get bleeched white leaves, which will die off
2. Dont stare at the light unless you wanna go blind in the future
3. Water your plants less, i water mine once ever 3 days sometimes 4 they are easily overwatered
4. Dont listen to the no need for fan - vents for leds, you will always need air circulation and freash air for your plants.

My opinion on LEDs is if your growing for the cash, dont buy LEDs too much money and less yield, you might as well get an HPS
now if your growing for the stash LEDs are for you! You will grow buds that poeple will crave for after 1 joint sampled, LEDs buds in my opinion beats HPS by far. They make the tastiest, frostiest eye catching nugs in town i garantee you will not find a quality that good or close from the medical shops and even if you did they would want alot more cuz of the decrease in yield. The nugs arent fluffy, only when cut they are but when they dry and you drop a nug on the floor it will sound like a rock lol and is hard like one too. Here are a few plants flowered from clone from my last grow

believe me it smokes as good as it looks and if you know what your doing you can match a yield of HPS hope this help


Active Member
Here is a bleeched plant from being too close to leds in vegged

in flowering you can put them a lil closer like 7 inches away at most, plants seem to love it


Active Member
If you want to make the most out of your LEDs you can mix them with an HPS or CFL but my opinion is thier are best with T-5 becuase you can run high watts of T-5 and still have a low heat, with the LEDs they would really kick arse and also in terms of quality i heard if you flower with MH lights or CFls in the more blue spectrum bulbs you would increase quality but your yeild willhurt also i heard.


I've only been growing for less than a year so this advice is not coming from an expert.
I live in an area with a warm climate and expensive electricity, so I started out with an LED light (www.lumigrow.com) for veg. and a LED light for bloom and T-5 for seeds and clones. I also installed a light mover for the LED's.
After some trial and error, I wound up with the following set up:
Seeds/clones......... T-5 works great.
Veg......................Lumigrow LED's above and CFL's on open sides where there's no reflective wall.
Bloom...................HPS above and CFL's on open non reflective sides.

I've found that the plants do very well with the LED's for Veg., but unfortunately they do better with the HPS's for Bloom (and my electric bill has also gone up significantly).
In short, for a small (2 or 3 plants) setup, I think LED's are ideal for Veg and Bloom, but for a larger setup you're stuck with HPS for Bloom.
Also, LED quality varies, so investigate before buying.
Hope this helps.

*** I do not buy, sell, cultivate, manufacture, or use any illegal substance. Any postings I make on this forum are purely for entertainment purposes. Any pictures that I may post have been created by artificial means from images gathered from the internet and other sources. Any statements made, other than this paragraph, should not be considered truthful.***


Well-Known Member
I just received this +rep Thread: Looking for experienced... looking out for others And I just wanted to say thanks for that, whoever sent that. It wasn't necessary but deeply appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I grow in 2 closets and have one off site closet. I use a 120w in one, a 300w in another and a 400w HPS Hortilux on the off site. I love my LEDs. Yeild wise I get more than my 400W HPS, my 120 is about the same yeild as my HPS. before any of this though I started with four 4foot T5s for flowering in a 2 X 4 closet. In my personal experience, all are great choices, it depends on what you want as a final result.

My T5s would yeild me about 1.5oz a month on a perpetual harvest (1/2 closet in each month, 1/2 closet out each month) I loved it. for me as a personal stash 1.5 Oz a month wasn't bad. The T5s work great for a SOG short plants about 8" high max before the T5s were crap. 8 smal plants in a 2 X 2 closet (half the 2 x 4) was really good. No heating issues just used a cheap inline fan venting out. Potency was good, plants very healthy, just couldn't penetrate more than 8".

The 400W was next. Huge improvement over the T5s (obviously) Took lots of venting (got a 5" inline fan to cool the closet on this one) Everyone knows what HPS lights do, they work good, but a lot of heat issues if you aren't careful. This was at my off site garden.

Then I bought a 300W LED and they gave me a free 120w LED for buying the 300W. Hooked up the 300w in the closet and put the 120w for veg. The 120 was to close to my vegging plants and bleached them. Very easy to do with LED. The 300w replaced my T5s and the T5s expanded my cloning/Vegging area. After first grow I had to scrap the 300w because I don't care what they say, LEDs make heat (a lot more than T5s) and I had heating issues and got a shit crop. So my 120W became the flowing light of choice. That worked great, minimal venting controls heat and no more heating issues, very little heat. 120w works great but I only grow either a few small plants under it or one big one. I use this closet more for breeding than anything else. The 300w works great I use it for in my 3x3 closet and grow 4 plants at a time under it. The 300w definately needs some good cooling, but works good when set up right.

I find the LEDs garbage for veg compared to the T5s, but that could just be the brand I bought. Overall I'm extemelly happy with my purchase, but it is a big investment. I love to try the latest and greatest gear and it's not always a good thing, but in this case I'm happy.

Happy growing everyone