Looking for high ceiling Indica stains.


Well-Known Member
A couple of strains that have caught my eye are Sensi Star by Paradise Seeds and Pioneer by Greenpoint. I'm leaning toward the Greenpoint Pioneer because the breeder pack reads:

Bubba Kush is a classical indica variety that is reported to have originated sometime prior to 1998. Hence her full name, Pre-98 Bubba Kush. She is a characteristically slow-growing variety, often the slowest grower and lowest producer in a garden. However, the high quality of the smoke makes her a labor of love for many. Her aroma is incredibly distinct, with notes of coffee, raw leather, skunk, compost, and old-basement musk. Her tight, purple-tinted flowers are always covered in resin, and oddly for an indica, her smoke has no ceiling. A user can smoke endless amounts of Bubba, getting higher with every hit before eventually waking up from a weed coma. She is a useful cultivar for anxiety, pain management, insomnia, or appetite stimulation.

Does anyone have any expericence with either of the two strains or other high ceiling Indica strains?

All so, are Pre-98 bubba kushes usually High ceiling strains despite breeder?
I never believe what's written on breeder packs, it may be a true statement based on info from the keeper pheno used in the breeding, but you gotta plant quite a few of em to actually get that pheno(you could get lucky and nail it with just 1, but that's pretty rare ime) that said I have ran a cut we lovingly call "97" we call it that because there is no dna testing done to prove it's a legit pre 98 bubba, but it checks all the boxes that the original did. As far as no ceiling I'm not totally sure, I only get so high and then im comfortable with that, no need to push past that point for me, it does get me high everytime I smoke it tho with no tolerance build up if that's what you mean
My 2¢ ......

You need heavy kush strains .... maybe master , OG or even Hindu / Afghani .
I would think a tincture mix plus some smoke should do the trick.
Tincture like glycerin drops ( buds double boiled in solution then press filtered ) .
Those would be perfect for tongue dosing when getting close to bed time.

For going to sleep I would recommend Night Nurse. Not a pure indica but predominantly. The name says it all. I've grown it twice. Good yielder. I only smoked it at night towards bedtime. If I smoked it early I wouldn't get anything done.
I second that Master Kush opinion... Great body buzz to go along with pleasant thoughts while you drift off. Combine it with a few mg of melatonin and you're floating away on a cloud... I don't know about the high ceiling thing either though - a good indica for me when you hit that ceiling to me that means it's time to go to sleep