Looking for ideas for building an additional DIY light to 4x Area51 W90 in a 80x80


Active Member
Hi guys, I'm looking for ideas/suggestions for the design/layout for building a DIY light fixture as an addition to my current light setup.

My current setup is 4x Area51 W90 (Vero 29 @2.1A) in an 80cm x 80cm x 180cm tent.

I am looking to maximise yield (not necessarily efficiencies) and would like help in trying to achieve this. I'm really not so sure on how to build the fixture to best incorporate the W90's in terms of spacing, number of cobs, current etc.(was initially thinking of adding 4 vero29 @1.4a). Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
You already have 7 sqft and 320 watts of veros
45.71w / sqft should be enough
How much more light do you need


Well-Known Member
Yeah your probably good for light in that space. But I'm pretty sure you have 360 watts + fans with those lights so you already pulling about 400 watts and not at the highest efficiency by any means. A51 w90s are about 36% efficient if I recall correctly. Which means a good 600 hps is technically about the same or a bit more efficient. I personally would put them as far out towards the sides of the tent on each side and let them overlap in the middle. Maybe angle them in a bit.

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