Looking for information on the first week of a seeds life once germinated.


I have researched this inquiry but I cannot seem to find valid information relating to the first week of a seeds life once germinated. This is the stage where it is in darkness and not suppose to receive any light. (Before it is a seedling, before it has any leaves) Assuming the stem has just emerged and rapidly started growing 2 inches and the cotyledon is still closed. When will the leaves deploy and signal that it is ready for light? Assuming you use soil / peat / other type earth based starters, would the seed ever need to be watered again during this time other than the initial soaking of the medium in preparation for sowing.


sorry cant help you on the first questions yeah man just make sure the seeds have a little bit of water*to keep them going and you should be good dont worry if they they dont emerge in like 3 days 4th days usually its popped out in my experience
*make sure the surface is damp


Well-Known Member
I have researched this inquiry but I cannot seem to find valid information relating to the first week of a seeds life once germinated. This is the stage where it is in darkness and not suppose to receive any light. (Before it is a seedling, before it has any leaves) Assuming the stem has just emerged and rapidly started growing 2 inches and the cotyledon is still closed. When will the leaves deploy and signal that it is ready for light? Assuming you use soil / peat / other type earth based starters, would the seed ever need to be watered again during this time other than the initial soaking of the medium in preparation for sowing.
I don't know where you've been getting your info but stop.

That sprout should have good light the second it breaks the soil and I keep a light close above so if it sprouts while I'm sleeping it has light right away.

If you want tall spindly sprouts that will fall over without a breeze just go ahead and keep them in the dark.

Water if they're dry otherwise let them be.