Looking for LED suggestions


New Member
Phytolamps have become the main assistants of farmers cause studies have proven that this is the most optimal way to speed up the maturation of a plant.
I don't know much about LED grow lights cause I've never used one. But I am an expert in the field of automotive LEDs. If you ever need LED lighting in your car, think about https://www.amazon.com/car-lights-car-led-lights/dp/B09L86JRRM. I don't know what specific lighting is needed for plants, but my biologist friend said that the lack of light is bad. With a lack of light, the plant begins to produce chlorophyll, which leads to a change in the color of the leaves intensively.


Well-Known Member
The Blackwing will work well in a 3x3. If you really feel you need a bit more then you can get the 350R as a refurb for about the same price!

Got a guy on another forum using a pair of 100 Rpec having great results also, so you have options.