Looking for LED suggestions

Phytolamps have become the main assistants of farmers cause studies have proven that this is the most optimal way to speed up the maturation of a plant.
I don't know much about LED grow lights cause I've never used one. But I am an expert in the field of automotive LEDs. If you ever need LED lighting in your car, think about https://www.amazon.com/car-lights-car-led-lights/dp/B09L86JRRM. I don't know what specific lighting is needed for plants, but my biologist friend said that the lack of light is bad. With a lack of light, the plant begins to produce chlorophyll, which leads to a change in the color of the leaves intensively.
The Blackwing will work well in a 3x3. If you really feel you need a bit more then you can get the 350R as a refurb for about the same price!

Got a guy on another forum using a pair of 100 Rpec having great results also, so you have options.