Looking for nutes


Active Member
So I’m on my second grow and I’m trying to do some dry nutes instead of fox farm liquid any recommendations im doing auto flowers In 5 gal pots in fox farm ocean forest
General Hydroponics - MaxiGro & MaxiBloom

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I'll second the Maxi. I used it years ago. I recently started a coco grow and due to circumstances I ended up getting a bag of the MaxiBloom instead of what I've been using for years. It's a good nutrient, plants are healthy. I just used the MaxiBloom and skipped the Grow.

But I think the OP was asking about dry fertilizer you mix into the soil and for that the Down To Earth 4-4-4 is a great fertilizer.
I'll second the Maxi. I used it years ago. I recently started a coco grow and due to circumstances I ended up getting a bag of the MaxiBloom instead of what I've been using for years. It's a good nutrient, plants are healthy. I just used the MaxiBloom and skipped the Grow.

But I think the OP was asking about dry fertilizer you mix into the soil and for that the Down To Earth 4-4-4 is a great fertilizer.
Agree....you really can live without the MaxiGro
I testing out GeoFlora pelletized on the current grow and so far so good.

I've used Dr Earth products for over 10 years with good results

Roots also has the Uprising line that is good, they say they did the supersoil work for us.
really any reg fert will do with soil, i've 5/5/5 and also 10/10/10 with great results, just mix it in and go......

keep in mind that fox farm sometimes comes out a little hot, you should mix it with something esle like a 50/50 combo.....js
Theres some good options.

Dr. Earth
Happy Frog fruit and flower
Maxibloom / maxigrow
( currently running hempys with this - good shit ) ( mixes with water )
Recipe 420 Recharge 2-8–4 ( other good dry fert )
DTE All Purpose
Megacrop (
meh )
Okay so here’s the update read them all looked them up I went with down to earth the 444 and boo live do y’all know exactly how to feed them with it been looking it up can’t find a schedule or anything
Okay so here’s the update read them all looked them up I went with down to earth the 444 and boo live do y’all know exactly how to feed them with it been looking it up can’t find a schedule or anything

The application rates should be on the box. It's also on their website. I wouldn't add anything to fresh FFOF and would top dress after the plants are established if needed.


For new plantings, add 1-2 tbsp per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly OR add 5-10 lbs per cubic yard. For established plants, lightly mix 1-2 tbsp per gallon into the soil surface once each month during the growing season.
I actually canceled the down to earth order and got Gaia green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 instead they had a lot of the same stuff in it so I thought I’d try that
CYCO Platinum Series Grow A&B, Bloom A&B, Silica, Potash+ & Swell. If you follow their feed chart you won't have to adjust PH at all it will always land in the sweet spot of 5.7-6.0.

You don't need all their bottles you only need the ones listed, if you want a chance at even bigger blooms run their Supa Sticky supplement (Monopotassium Phosphate or MPK) it's another source of potassium & phosphorus.

Run the Potash+ with base nutrients for the first 3 weeks of bloom (stretch) then switch to SWELL for the rest of the flowering period until harvest.

Always give the plants plain water between switching from 1 additive / base nutrient to another. e.g when moving plants from VEG to BLOOM you would want to give them plain water the day you flip them, then start the bloom feed. When you use Silica, Bloom & Potash you will want to flush when you switch to Silica, Bloom & Swell.

I've had record yields running CYCO and I don't even use half their bottles.
Crossed out items are unnecessary to purchase or use even in inert Coco..