Looking for software

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey all, i'm getting my 2010 grow plan roughed out and was wondering if there was any software that might be "grow" specific or adaptable. I'm trying to make a seed inventory with very little success, (140+ seeds, 23 strains).
Any input is appreciated.....BBbongsmilie


You could probably just use excel. If you know how to use it well it is perfect for what you need. Or you could implement the excel spread sheet in access for a custom made interface.

Good luck

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I know SOMEBODY has what i'm looking for. SOME sort of template or layout that I could use to track my grow. So c'mon... SHARE..LOL Good luck & good grow.......BBbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
there is software called grow assistant that is mmj specific. not bad i'm using the free version that only lets me do so much but i'm considering upgrading, i guess i'd recommend it

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Thanks naimad, I just googled them up. The program seems to work on the premiss that I'm starting with 2 mothers & going into clone production.
Which is not the case. I've worked up a seed inventory with grow start dates, veg/flower times, harvest date & production numbers.
It's just that I don't know how to make lined columns and such, so it's a little crude looking. But what the hell, it's pretty much just for me anyway,
and if I write it, I should be able to figure it out, LOL.

Thanks again very much for taking the time, I will be leaving a little "rep massage" for your effort & unique find, that some others may find useful.
Good luck & good grow......BBbongsmilie
Hey there, I saw this post and use the Grow Assistant Religiously and LOVE it. Well worth the money if you ask me.

BurgerBoss I think your wrong though. The program does not assume you are starting with any number of mothers. It's highly adaptable.

I guess I'm a bit biased as I have worked with the developer who came out to my grow house to see how he could better the program for me. I wouldn't use anything else!!!