Looking for some cloning help please.


Active Member
Ok - very simple. Your taking your cuttings properly, but make sure you dont push the stem all the way throgh the rockwool, it should only go 2/3 the way down. Put a heating source under your clones, 5-9 degrees higher than room temp. Keep the lighting the same, humidity needs to be as close to 100% as possible. The hood stays on all daym except for when you mist them daily, and air out. You should air out ( remove the hood) twice daily for about 5 minutes. you can get roots in as little as 5 days, but dont expect them until day 10, then they should all be rooted. I have a 95+% success rate ever since i added a heat source under my girls


Well-Known Member
Alright, I give up for now. The last one's last leaf crusted out.

I'm going to save to buy a cloner.

In the mean time, I'm putting these two ladies into flower now, and have 2 week old seedlings to boot. Sex of those is undetermined, but will be monitored closely.

Question: I've got 10-12 weeks of flowering before harvest. At harvest, can I cut the branches off a few inches above ground surface and set to re-veg? What kind of results can I expect? If so, how many times can I continue to do this?



Well-Known Member
dude that video is fool proof
Yes, I watched the video. I watched it before you even posted it on this thread. Youtube was one of the first places I looked for info on.

I took my clippings, the same size as the ones he did. I was told those are too big.

I'm trying this with rockwool, he has a cloner.

As I said, I;m going to have to take a step back and try to learn again from the beginning. I'll either make my own cloner or buy one.

The two plants I have going now were in veg for 5 weeks, then I flowered them to confirm sex (bagseed). I put them back in veg, but they continued to grow pistils. I've tried to cut stems from them for 3 weeks now.

I have limited grow space and need to get these two back into flower before they turn into trees in my spare bedroom.

My next question is:

When I harvest these, can I reveg them if I cut them with the stems long enough?


Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Two words,Humidity and tempeture,if you dont get those two close you will never get roots.Your plants shrivel up and die before they root.Next time get a good seadling heat pad and a tempeture gauge for your dome and shoot for low 70s and you will get roots.Your stressing too much,relax and enjoy your grow and you skills will come with time and wisdom and learning from your mistakes.............peace


Well-Known Member
Two words,Humidity and tempeture,if you dont get those two close you will never get roots.Your plants shrivel up and die before they root.Next time get a good seadling heat pad and a tempeture gauge for your dome and shoot for low 70s and you will get roots.Your stressing too much,relax and enjoy your grow and you skills will come with time and wisdom and learning from your mistakes.............peace
I kept my temps around 80, and humidity was usually between 80-95% except for while I was at work. It dropped to 65 or so, but I brought it back up when I got home.

I do need to get some sort of heat under the clones. Is an ordinary heating pad acceptable, like for muscle aches? Or is there an actual seedling heating pad available at some place I'll never be able to find?

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Well you don't want it to get to hot either so no not any heating pad will work.

The temps are probably the largest factor I can see in getting roots quick. You can cut the time in half easily.

As for humidity issues, if your plant is water stressing it should have less leaf on it. I tend to take all my fan leaf off and just leave primordial leaves. I don't have a dome, I don't worry about humidity, (my rh is 40-60% on average) and I get roots at seven days for the stragglers.


Well-Known Member
Well you don't want it to get to hot either so no not any heating pad will work.

The temps are probably the largest factor I can see in getting roots quick. You can cut the time in half easily.

As for humidity issues, if your plant is water stressing it should have less leaf on it. I tend to take all my fan leaf off and just leave primordial leaves. I don't have a dome, I don't worry about humidity, (my rh is 40-60% on average) and I get roots at seven days for the stragglers.

Seems simple enough. I'll toss the dome, and have a way cool idea to heat the substrate.



Well-Known Member
If they do start water stressing make sure to dome them immediately.

I like using a fish take heater sandwhiched between two plastic containers with water in it. They have a thermostat built in and are not a fire hazard in water. I have a mat really but thats how I used to rig incubators all the time for all kinds of shit...

Almost forgot to add that you really need to use CLEAN tools when shearing your clones. You want to have as little a chance to introduce infection.


Well-Known Member
If they do start water stressing make sure to dome them immediately.

I like using a fish take heater sandwhiched between two plastic containers with water in it. They have a thermostat built in and are not a fire hazard in water. I have a mat really but thats how I used to rig incubators all the time for all kinds of shit...

Almost forgot to add that you really need to use CLEAN tools when shearing your clones. You want to have as little a chance to introduce infection.
You mean my rusty fishing knife and the cardboard card table setup is no good?