Looking for some compost worms

How close are you to Michigan?... there's a guy(walts crawlers) that sells worm dirt 25lbs bags on the shoulder of the road..
Looking for some compost worms and the price online is astronomical. Any worm guys down to make a trade ?
Try Big5 or sport fishing tackle place, they usually have small cups
of red worms, saw dust worms (meal worm) and night crawlers; oh
pet shops with aquarium & fish... may have.
You only want European nightcrawlers which feed at bottom of compost and red wrigglers feed on top layers.
Oh yea also my bad have minimal knowledge in vermicompost just what 'local worm guy' educated me on a little. Hes hella cool and picks up all local restaurant compost for his bins.
That's a good idea. I need to get my bin going. Them small rotating bins are just ok (I'm finding out),
Figure this might be a good place to ask if I can put red wigglers in a SIP?

If the answer is no, please explain why in as simple or complex terms that suit you. I am educating myself on soil growing, but the simple stuff is often very complex to a soil novice.
Figure this might be a good place to ask if I can put red wigglers in a SIP?

If the answer is no, please explain why in as simple or complex terms that suit you. I am educating myself on soil growing, but the simple stuff is often very complex to a soil novice.
Sure you can. The worms will go where it's most comfortable. They should really be happier in a SIP than a regular pot since the moisture is more consistent.