Looking for some growing advice.

Looking for some growing advice:

Hi, I just bought a Blue Dream clone from a local collective yesterday. It has been growing for a bout 3 months already. I am starting the budding process, I have my lighting schedule set to 12/12 hrs. Right now I bring it out at 7:30 in the morning, and bring it in at 7:30 at night. When I bought it, the guy said to test the pH level in the water before I give it to my plant, but I did not have a test kit. I just gave it filtered water, is that okay? When I got it I groomed it a little, I took all the dead leaves off and only left green. Was that good I did that? Also what can I do about the plant tilting off to the side, it seems it wants to follow the sun? I heard as well that if you spray the leaves a little bit it creates some humidity. Is it good for them, and is that true?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also does anybody have know I should start seeing buds? Thanks in advance!

Daniel. :leaf::lol::leaf:


I've grown bd before,slow starter but buds like like fuck .and finishes in about 50 days. yes always check Ph in water.I've never used bottled water to me was a waste of money when you can get a Ph kit under $20 .and if my plants lean I use bamboo sticks and place up against it to kinda straighten it out.taking dead leaves off is cool,never hurts to groom it a little. and yes spraying will increase humidity, I always spray mine every free days.not a crazy spray but a few mists here in there!.


also you can see buds sometimes in a week or two.nothing insane but will start seeing results,again every strain is different. but bd is a fast finisher like 45-60 .good strain! .


Well-Known Member
Dont pH your water unless you are adding fertilizer. IME, it just leads to more problems and more problem chasing.

Soil acts as a buffer and can handle a wider range of pH than hydroponic setups.

Unless your tap water is off the charts, you will be fine.

Removing dead leaves is fine. Why wouldnt it be?

And if the tilting is really bothering you, then you can tie it to a stake to straighten it. If it is healthy, I would just leave it.

As for your humidity question....

You are growing outside? You expect to alter the humidity of the environment with a spray bottle?

Why do you want more humidity? What is the RH outside?

You are flowering, is humidity a good thing when flowering?

What is the ideal environment for cannabis in its vegetative state? In its flowering stage?

Sorry. These are questions you should know the answers too. You ARE growing. The time for asking basic questions was before you started. I am all for sharing knowledge, asking questions, learning as you go etc
but you have to put some effort into it.

Im not a fan of the "I am currently growing, how should I do it?" type questions. There is a TON of free info of growing marijuana out there. Have to do a little work though.

The "I heard that this does that, is it true?" questions are only going to get you more conjecture. Why not find out for yourself via primary sources rather than go by what you hear on internet forums? There is a ton of bad info around. If you do research and still are unclear about something, then ask. It just seems lazy to me. Like you just want someone to tell you what to do.

I was just at B&N bookstore and was surprised to see the number of good cannabis grow books on the shelf.

Good luck. And no offense. I try to help when I can and I am still a new grower myself.
I believe I fixed the tilting issue. I took a handle to a fly swatter, bent it a little to support the stem, and stuck it in the soil. I also found some old organic soil in my garage, it said "use on all tulips and bulbs", is that fine do you think? I filled the pot up with it to kind of center it.


I still correct my Ph regardless when it is..that's me.I've always had awesome results. 8+ oz a plant dry!.and never used a fly swattered handle lmao.and ad far as old organic soil idk.if it was me I.no I wouldn't use it.good luck with your grow!