Looking for some tips on curing a batch of buds you bought


Active Member
A lot of the buds around my area are obviously being sold before they are cured fully. I'm just looking for some tips and suggestions on how to cure say an eighth or so of some bud. What do you think is the easiest way and or the best way to finish what they started to get the maximum THC out of this sac. Please dont comment if you havent tried or atleast know someone that has tried these methods. Thanks


Attach Lamps

Active Member
I got a shitty eighth the other day. All flat and gross looking from being stored so much.
I added a few drops of water on it, and put it in a glass jar. The next day it already lost its flat appearence and gained a fluffier more attractive one.
Instead of using some water, I've heard (but have yet to try) that you could use a fresh orange/lemon/lime peel. That would also give it a nice smell I assume (maybe even a little taste, but probably nothing significant).


Active Member
Yeah just put it in a glass jar and open it for 20 minutes or so twice/day. If it's real dried out you can do what Attach Lamps said and drop an orange peel or an apple slice in there or something.