Looking like bananas ? Hermafrodite?


Hey guys , I got this Blueberry, 22 days into flowering and I see these yellow things into the buds... What would it be? Im really worried now...




bud bootlegger
idk man, that's not what male parts look like to me, although i've heard that blueberry has a lot of hermie tendencies, i'm not sold on that being a male flower quite yet..


Well-Known Member
Those definitely look like bananas. it looks they're in a grouping that looks like a "sliced pear". can u pick em off with a tweezers and verify?


Active Member
If it looks like this it is. hermi.jpg

I took this picture about 5 years ago when testing collidial silver to create some seed stock..


So sad... I´m not really sure that theses yellow things are bananas yet. Looks like they have some pistols comming from inside them, and these pistols are orange, unlike the others that are all white yet.
I´m worried cause I have another plants into the flowering room, and their buds are all close toghether. You guys think these bananas can polinize other plants too?
Should I cut the little bananas or the whole buds?


Active Member
if u have decent airflow in there an they are nanners then it could easily pollinate the other girls u have in there id imagine


Yeah I have a good airflow and other girls in there... Should I cut the whole plant, the affected buds or just the little bananas ?

Captain Ahab

Active Member
If you're able to get all the naners off, go for it. But keep a close eye on that plant.. it's likely to shoot out more. Also, give the whole plant a rinse after removing naners to wash off any pollen. You've got a long way to go, though... it's going to be hell watching that plant that closely for that long.


If you're able to get all the naners off, go for it. But keep a close eye on that plant.. it's likely to shoot out more. Also, give the whole plant a rinse after removing naners to wash off any pollen. You've got a long way to go, though... it's going to be hell watching that plant that closely for that long.
How long does it take to the banana to open and release polem? Is it fast ?


Well-Known Member
are you guys sure thats the right location for them? u sure its not a female plant that got fertilized and a seed forming and not the male 'balls' or whatever?

i ask cuz i dont know that much about sexing, i usually wait til im 110% sure its a male before i remove them, and still haven't gotten any hermies.


if it is the male genitalia or whatever, then it becomes almost perfectly round, then opens up, releasing the pollen. i kept a male around to make seeds last time.
(my memory isnt so good, go figure, but that's what i recall)

Le pic

Active Member
Thoses are naners. I had somes in my last grow.

If you take them out , make sure to bring the plant outside the house to do it..

good luck !