Looking or a sponsor


Peace, I'm look for a patient to sponsor me so I can get a caregivers license , and start provide mmj to the sick here in RI , if someone out here is willing to do this I will be able to provide for them at little cost as Im not a smoker and my primary income is from a 9-5,I'm not looking to get rich from this but to gain experience and become more proficient at growing, I'd like to help the terminally ill as well as those suffering with debilitating pain also I feel learning how to provide mmj can turn into a future career as a natural healer....
:leaf:Thank you in advance for any positive reply's Peace..:leaf:
The RI board has been dead for a long time now. Every now and then a patient comes here looking for a CG but not that often it is usually the other way around. Good Luck in your journey. It's only a matter of time.
Thanks tranka32
for your reply, I know , I just wanna grow legally and help someone out while getting some know how , patience is a virtue ...Thanks again Peace....
No offense, but a patient is only allowed two caregiver spots. Why would they want to give one to someone who won't be able to provide meds for months (if ever, if you screw things up in your learning process...)?
Everyone needs a chance , if the state of RI didn't give them a chance they wouldn't be able to do this legally ( pay it forward )....but to answer your question , If they could see the long term benefit , when I do master the process , I'd be more then happy to show my appreciation to my patient who gave me the opportunity to grow medically , like I said before this is not about money for me ,I mean that, Its about helping some one in need and gaining know how .

(not saying im a master at all ,but I've grown some before just not medical quality )
Well, I wish you luck. I think your best bet is going to be to do something underground, then start looking to go legit when you can, you know, provide the *medicine* that people need... If I had to pick only two companies to provide my blood pressure medication, you can be damn sure that they would be able to actually *provide* the medication. I'm not really interested in promises of cheap medication at some future point after they finish the R&D process...
I hear what your saying, thanks some one will understand Im sure Im not the first and wont be the last ...

-- ..Over and Out, TheMechanic.. --