Looking to boost yield and moving away from lucas formula.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
1. I mentioned that I was growing in dwc, look at my original post again.

2. What? It's a general question about nutrients, I could have posted in in the hydro section, I could have posted it in the nutrients section, I could have posted it in the grow room setup section, but I know I'll get most views and therefore better information from general. Sorry if that bothers you, but that's just how it is.

Where do you get the idea that general is exclusively soil only? There's loads of threads for all growing styles on there, hence the term 'general' (all encompassing)

And as we've seen from the discussion, there is a lot of opinion that the lucas formula is lacking and can be improved upon. As I've already said, I'm getting good yields, I'm not planning to run 1kw DE in a 4x4, just want improved nutrition.
You posted just fine!
I got it..So did others.

I suggest you try that Botanicare KIND as a first try after the Lucas.....Like I said earlier. Pretty simple, straight forward charting and unlimited ability to adjust with just those 3 bottles....Learning just what a strain needs to grow for "potentials" is your goal. It may take a cpl of tries....

1st run might be a bit high in N = reduce by 25 % and run on....
It's all about reading the plant and adjusting to what she tells you..

With the KIND line. Your going to be either right on, or drop N 25% or so....
Muffin cut Blue Berry

These in my garden like "more". I also have a group of strains that are Mg hogs...I actually use some of my Mg Sulfate mix in veg to keep them "Mg happy" - about 5 ml per gallon...every other watering.

In any hydro application with a res. I like to do the 33% add-back rule for topping off..

Mix up a batch of 100% nutrient solution (That you filled the res with to start). Add 2 gallons of water to that that and pH to 5.7 - You now have a 33% nutrient solution
Use that 33% nutrient solution to "top off" your res as it it lower's

Once you'r going to add back enough 33% to have filled the res by total volume of the res to start with.
Dump and refill with 100% solution and restart the 33% add-back...repeat as needed.

This will get you to a "dump and refill" point with NO hassles or nutrient issues....

Good luck.
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hi Gary,
I'm very much in the same place as you. Wondering if I could do better on nutrients.

When I look at some of the more expensive nutes...at least some of what they include can be added as additives. That's the direction I'm leaning toward right now. I use Maxibloom to obtain a close Lucas approximation.

I'm convinced that silica is crucial and so will supplement that. I'm taking Dr Who's position quite seriously and am going to leave out the PK 13/14 that I used to use. And just let it ride...with the P already in the Maxibloom. But now I wonder if maybe there might be something I could add as an additive to swell up the buds. I'm talking hormones and such...not just P and K. So that's what I'm looking for now.

Edit: straight hydro for me

In hydro...Silica is not a bad idea - watch your pH levels after you add it!

In soil....You gain NOTHING by adding any Si product! The plant will take all it can use from the soil it's self....(IF the soil is properly built)