Looking To Grow Poppies


I might be looking to grow some poppies this year but can't fin anything on how many seeds or flowers u need for a moderate harvest. Can someone help? I know a weed plant outdoors is can range from 1 gram to 1000 grams in bud. What is the ratio for poppies?:wall:


Well-Known Member
its no were near that..........

also the plants can vary from tiny little pods to giant afganistan sized pods, my sugestion is to grow as many as you possibly can


Active Member
What do you plan on using them for? Heroine is extremely hard to make if thats what your aiming for, plus you would need a shit ton of poppies to make it. The sap of the pods doesnt stretch as does other plants. You got to know your shit dude.

TryPs N TacKs

New Member
I might be looking to grow some poppies this year but can't fin anything on how many seeds or flowers u need for a moderate harvest. Can someone help? I know a weed plant outdoors is can range from 1 gram to 1000 grams in bud. What is the ratio for poppies?:wall:
Growing for poppy morphine is illgal bro
So is growing and doing marijuana and shrooms and loads of other shit, thanx for the heads up tho
lmao, so true.. but for real, unless you're just after the novelty of growing poppies, it's not worth it. An enterprising junkie might save themselves $60 or so at the end of 4 months of careful growing.