Looking to make friends with like minded people in Vermont


Active Member
Hello I'm 31 my girlfriend is 25 , we both have been in R.I's medical marijuana program for years now. We've put in a lot of work here , trying to help people we know could use it. I've managed to connect the dots and am now intrested in spreading our wings to another state. My whole life I've lived the snow can't seem to get enough of it. Emily unfortunately doesn't have much say In The matter but she's cool and I know she would live it as well. Vermont is wonderful. I don't need 12 different retail stores to buy my crap from , I don't need 40 different restraunts to eat at , and I sure as shit don't want 80 different neighbors up my ass. Don't let me ruin suburb and city life for u. It has it's perks but we don't need to be so dependent on these things. I want to walk for hours maybe days in the wilderness, I want to see the night sky without light pollution , I want live off the land and be proud. You all have such a wonder to me. If someone is willing to inform / help me along this path. I will be more of a friend than I can explain. In the spring I will be financially capable of 100k loan for land. I'm not going to be developing it aside from foundation for house. I will keep it a farm or woods. I just want to live somewhere were people are FREE. My name is Will I've done things my way my whole life , been judge , I don't fit in but I know in my heart Money is not a goal. My goal is to be happy and I would love to do that till my last day in Vermont. Again just looking for a Guide , friend , or anyone who can relate. Thanks for the read Will. P.s. Hill Farmstead Brewery makes me happy.
I completely understand how no one wants to respond to this. The way I see it if u got a good thing why change it. Im a local where im from and I don't like outsiders. I appreciate people looking it over . New England is a amazing place and I'm happy to be a part of it.
Well with all the random people who ask to trade cuts and shit makes you wonder just how many are cops a few want to meet still could be a cop or even a desperate CI a CI only needs the plate number of your car and he works with the police so the address will be easy criminal record and all. Really Maine is the only state in New England you can have a decent grow legally and not too many like Massholes lol, and RI minds well be they drive like shit for 1. lol

But really it brings you back to the #1 rule of growing tell nobody, out of sight out of mind, you start meeting new people that know you grow you minds well get "I'm a dumb fuck that wants to go to prison too find a daddy" tattooed on your forehead.
After a lot of research, with this heroin epidemic going on up there , I'm not to sure I want to buy land there now anyways. But, I remain hopeful the cops will get the junkie dealers and leave the natural herbalists alone.
if your looking for a good caregiver that cares about your needs or ailments then look no further.....if you have a Vermont Medical marijuana card and want someone that is going to grow you the best medicine for your needs look no further,email me for a conversation on what i can do to help you no matter if your looking for a caregiver or you need help finding a doctor...email me at[email protected]