Looking to re-vegg this plant


6D78E5C6-9970-40CE-87CC-A3C1768A62B6.jpeg I have an outdoor grow that is soil grown in a 5 gal pot. I have a tent and 400 W LED and I would like to re-veg this planned in soil as my first indoor work. It is a vigorous plant and we get along well so I think I should be able to get some cuttings rooted as a crop for my first indoor grow.
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Mak'er Grow

Well-Known Member
I'm re-vegging some buds atm myself, but if you strip the plant of all buds, but you MUST leave as many leaves on it as possible...it needs something for the photosynthesis process....you should have it growing back in no time.
I also use a few days of 24 hours of light to kick it back to veg mode.
Good luck and happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
From my understanding and practice you don't strip buds or anything, will make it take longer. Just flip it back to 24/0 for about 3 weeks until the odd growth goes away. Then you lolipop the buds off the bottom.