Looks like drool, saliva, spit; could it be eggs????


Well-Known Member
I've got a few plants that have what looks like some spit or a lump of saliva on the stems. I guess it could be some eggs of some type of bug but I'm not sure what. If you know what this could be give me some advice. I haven't tried to remove any of it or spray with anything yet. I'll try to get a better pic but if you Look on the left plant there is some. Thanks, slabhead


it is actually a casing the bug makes around itself looks like someone spit on your plant just wipe it off make sure bug still isnt on or in your plant shouldnt have to worry about damage


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help. I've seen it on other plants before but this is the first time I've had to deal with any of it on my grow. Whatever it is I'll try to keep it off and spray them down with some Neem. thanks for responding, slabhead