looks like the NRA is in bed with Russia and therefore Trump

Look at the fun side of this, run a pool for when Trump will be impeached, how long his sentence will be, how many will end up in jail. It looks like Mueller might die in harness on this one and I figure he's gonna live for awhile.

Fat Donnie is fucked, he like the republican congress are deadmen walking, zombies, it's just a matter of time, they might as well try to stop the tide. Jail and humiliation await, Donald won't like being the ultimate loser,madness offers no escape, the only way out is death.
This right here is why so many republicunts that at first stood up to him have quieted and the before quiet ones are vocal supporters now and the ones who were supporters are now nunes/cotton level Stephan miller wanna bes. This is their tie to the dirty money.... where Donald goes they would rightfully have to follow if found guilty! No wonder tbey are willing to destroy the very Government they were elected to take care of!
Call johnny horton, we gotta sink the Bismark! This could be our chancd to sink this organization that has morphed over decades from begnign to malignant.