Looks like we won the cross appeal, government appeal denied.


Well-Known Member
Wait why is it on the Cannabis In Canada website but not on the MMAR Coalition website? That's his own website and I'm sure most people will be checkout the MMAR Coalition one.


Well-Known Member
Just heard the news on the radio....bodes very well for Feb. I was pretty sure it would go this way but there was that small nagging doubt.... Not sure why it took so long? I am pretty sure home grows will be extended to include all patients in Feb. It would be discriminatory not to. Watch the value of LP stock go into a free fall. Their only hope now is legal recreational weed and they need it to happen in a hurry.


Well-Known Member
Well, half won anyways. can still grow if you previously could under the injunction, no carry limit increase and the original judge has to address the location change issue. So basically nothing at all has changed. at least it was a unanimous vote.


Well-Known Member
I'm confused. I thought this last court case was Conroy asking for address changes and possession amount challenge? And the judge suspended her dession until Feb.? basically nothing came out of the last court time, no ? Except $120,000



Well-Known Member
I'm confused. I thought this last court case was Conroy asking for address changes and possession amount challenge? And the judge suspended her dession until Feb.? basically nothing came out of the last court time, no ? Except $120,000

No, this case was launched as an appeal by the government. Conroy tried to introduce new evidence for possession and address changes at the same time but was denied. We wait till February for changes, I guess. I'm moving my garden next month anyway...what are they going to do as long as my plant count isn't over?


Well-Known Member
Ok I fingered it out, this was an appeal to reverse the March 21 desicion and Conroys cross appeal. Everything's the same.
