Loompa farms

i asked ngr,,they gave me a weird response

hey whatsup, would u carry some loompa farms shit if loompa hit u up?

6 hours ago

Maybe hard to keep what I have stocked" wtf does that mean?

makes more sense with a well placed comma doh lol

HA!!!!! That dude is the KING of non punctuated short confusing responses!

"nope sat" "fo sho" "run out wil have thur had to restock" are just some of the gems I've been sent. :)

FYI I received around 7 orders from NGR without a hitch. Then cabin fever dropped. I ordered what were "in stock", but NGR had not received them yet. And still has not.......... I was sent an email about the misunderstanding, assured they ARE coming and was given a 20% discount code for the wait.

SO in my book they are still cool. Grammar is not his strong point but whatever. I appreciated the transparency instead of him hiding and not responding. Still waiting on the Cabin Fever though :/
Here is Attitudes response to my e-mail. I asked them if they had ever been approached by Loompa Farms to carry their gentics, as they are quite popular here in the US.

Hi There

We were approached by the distributor and we would have been happy to take them but then it came to light that the RRP was £200 per pack so at the moment we are declining to take those.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this."

IOW, Loompa wants retailers to sell his gear for $342.59 (todays currency conversion) per pack. LOL
Here is Attitudes response to my e-mail. I asked them if they had ever been approached by Loompa Farms to carry their gentics, as they are quite popular here in the US.

Hi There

We were approached by the distributor and we would have been happy to take them but then it came to light that the RRP was £200 per pack so at the moment we are declining to take those.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this."

IOW, Loompa wants retailers to sell his gear for $342.59 (todays currency conversion) per pack. LOL

dammmmnnnnnn, loompa's nuts anyone? lol.. that's an effin joke though fo'sho
Here is Attitudes response to my e-mail. I asked them if they had ever been approached by Loompa Farms to carry their gentics, as they are quite popular here in the US.

Hi There

We were approached by the distributor and we would have been happy to take them but then it came to light that the RRP was £200 per pack so at the moment we are declining to take those.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this."

IOW, Loompa wants retailers to sell his gear for $342.59 (todays currency conversion) per pack. LOL

you have any idea of what his gear goes for over at the farm stow?
Do you know theres seedbanks out there that wont carry my gear?? Go ask Attitude of one. Ive tried on two occassions to get listed into Attitude, but thats about all they have going for them...is their "Attitude". I work where and what I can, If I need to be stoned to death, whipped to within an inch of my life, then Im probably going to pass.

Yes, in fact we did ask them. Seems their "attitude" concerning you is that they don't feel like raping their customers for a pack of your beans.

Feel fee to speculate on all my reasoning and my intentions, I have nothing but honesty and integrity to contribute to the community. If me working 24/7 days a week, If everything I do is focused on getting quality meds to real people is a problem, then Im just the person to hate.

Yes, for sure. $340 for a pack of your seeds just screams "integrity"! Everything you do is focused on getting quality meds to real people ........ only if they've got lots of money.

C'mon dude. You're free to charge whatever you like for your seeds, but don't trot out the compassion nonsense. Just admit that you're in this to squeeze every last nickel out of people that you can.
Yes, in fact we did ask them. Seems their "attitude" concerning you is that they don't feel like raping their customers for a pack of your beans.

Yes, for sure. $340 for a pack of your seeds just screams "integrity"! Everything you do is focused on getting quality meds to real people ........ only if they've got lots of money.

C'mon dude. You're free to charge whatever you like for your seeds, but don't trot out the compassion nonsense. Just admit that you're in this to squeeze every last nickel out of people that you can.

Quick retirement...
I wonder if Loompa has an explanation as to why he felt the need to lie instead of saying "they won't sell my beans for the money I'm asking". At least he'd be being honest, nothing worse than a bullshitter. I did laugh at the "perhaps he doesn't understand conversion rates."
His prices are so compassionate for the people who need meds.
If It wasn't for his compassionate soul, he'd being selling his gear for $400, because that's the real price needed for his plants to bean gold! Due to sick patients though, he just has to be reasonable you know? It's not like many patients are wealthy or anything so instead of a car note, he charges an electric bills worth. Compassion I tell ya what!