loose branch, mend or cut off ?


Active Member
Hey guys, 5 weeks into flower here and only just noticed a hidden branch off my girl is loose at the base. Seems to be wind damage. It's still connected to the main stem but it's just hanging with a bit of a tear at the base and whenever i try to lift it it hangs loose again. I've been told you can scotch tape it back and use a splint to heal it but the leaves have already begun hugging the bud at the tip. They're not dried out though. Should I go ahead and mend it or is it too late ?

senimilius when I was just learning low stress training I use to snap stems in half regularly. I taped them up and I never lost a plant.

Go forth with enthusiasm!

In a hurry I used electrical tape and a twig off the ground. It was a cola early in flower and I didn't expect it to live, it drooped real quick. Weeks later and the tape and twig are surrounded by buds. It was only hanging on by one side of the outer stalk skin. I was pinching and bending them over but that one got a straight snap bend.

I, LL take a pic of it and post. For a while I thought of taking the tape and twig off, but not.