Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I stand corrected. Thank you.Uh, actually spitting is the original, became a description way before photography. It evolved something like this:
- metaphor: “it’s like he was spat out of his father’s mouth” (1689).
- metonymy: “he’s the very spit of his father” (1825) — when the metaphor is commonplace enough, it no longer gets spelled out in full.
- idiom/cliché: “the spit and image of his father” (1859) — a particularly effective wording of the metonymy solidifies into a widely re-used phrase.
- corruption: “the spitten image” (187
— the original analysis of the phrase is lost.
- reanalysis: “the spitting image” (1901) — this strange new word “spitten” gets replaced by something which is at least syntactically more comprehensible.
- further reanalysis/eggcorning: “the splitting image” (1880(!?), 1939) — the phrase changes to something which is more semantically plausible — it’s easier to imagine ways that “splitting image” could have arisen than “spitting image”.