Loosing all Confidence in my Ability to Grow

Hi there peeps im so banging my head up the wall with autoflowers ive wasted about 12 fems recently and not sure if its autos full stop or me and seeds as normally go with cuttings and wanted a quick fix as couldnt locate cuttings so tried the autos who my pall was raving on about as hes had some good grows with them, ive tried haze and a pandora , i seem to germinate them fine then they get to about 3 inchs tall and first set of leaves then they seem to stop and there growth rate had almost stopped! i gave them a slight amout of nutes at about week 2 and they showed slight signs of nute burn so flushed and they just dont seem to be responding to anything there now 29 days old and stand about 4- 5 inchs tall , ive been debating ripping them out but somethings telling me to just see them through to see but think im wasting my time, im growing under 600 watt light hand watering in 5 gal air pruning pots in canna coco straight feeding canna coco a + b the plans also showed a yellowing to leaf veins so thought it was a calcium magnesium def so added small amount of calmag to ant they have started to green up, dont know if i watered to much and stopped root growth before they matured or what. Ive been defeted by seeds and its blew my head to what ive done wrong , any advice would be greatfully recieved also tips for the next seeds and amount of water i should be giving them etc.
pics 1-4 are about 1 wk old if i remember right then 5-6 are day 29 and not doing much at all..... as there autos at this age do you think its worth keeping then going or ripping them out? also any ideas to my failiurs would be good so future probs will get resolved thanks
my room temp day is around 28 0c and night was 20 0c nutes were fed at 0.4ec to start and went to 0.6 cal mag was also added with the a+b also hygrozme and a drop or superthrive. ph at 6.0 .
you shoulf upper the ph to 6.5 N is not available in 6 and thats the stay in the same hight
so lower ph and if you can to 24-26
Cheers nerv so your saying higher the ph to 6.5 and the bit about 24-26 are you talking about night temp?? So is the correct ph for coco grows 6.5?? Do you think there is anything to save now mate as I'm new to autos and it's been a real knock down the ladder with these! Will these recover in only 4 wks? Any info welcome as seems like people are reading it but your the first to speak up matey
you shoulf upper the ph to 6.5 N is not available in 6 and thats the stay in the same hight
so lower ph and if you can to 24-26
He's using Coco, he needs hydro pH levels.

Dude autoflowers seeds are tricky, if you make any sort of mistake the plants don't really forgive you for it. You're best bet is to just get some lightly fertilised organic soil. Just water them at first and sit back and wath them grow. When they start needing nutes start off with a half dose at most. You're better off holding back a slight deficiency than over feeding with autos.

You should try some regular strains too, they're alot hardier and if you need to you can do 12/12 from seed and finish in a similar time to most autos. They'll most definately take nutes easier than autos, meaning you don't have to be as specific.

Hope this helps.
Cheers harrekin I've got a few grows under my belt but like I stated they have all been from cutting and one white widow from seed which wasn't the best but they did grow but that was one of my first and was right at the beginning of my learning curve, so the ph is correct in coco then? These little girls have really kicked me in the balls and was ready to throw in the towel!! I've just started some mobydicks that are fem photos so I prey these will get my confidence back up to where I was and can keep climbing the ladder and keep learning more. Are you thinking like
me these girls are fooked?? I think I overwatered to be honest as there in 15ltr root pruning pots from like week 2 and read about run to waste and also read that coco can't or is near as impossible to overwater but have a strong feeling I've not let roots develope properly without suffocating of oxygen? What's your views? Cheers mate Im great full of the help
my advice to you is grow in soil..and harvest a couple times and learn some things through trial n error before you go to the coco..soil growing is almost fool proof if you ph your water.
Ive done a number of grows over the last 2 yrs and never had probs , maybe not the best of yeilds but ample, Ive grown a number of different strains in coco in wilma , pebs in wilma, coco and pebs mixed 20 pebs 80coco in wilma with standard pots then wth air pruning and all been fine, i dont see myself a top grower by far but after 2 yrs ive done ok amd learned a bit with cuttings and standerd strains not autos ! never suffered defs nothing. Ive just hit a hurdle now and not sure if its me learnig to raise seeds or me learning autos! If i went soil in my eyes i feel like im going backwards and going to suffer yeilds? Is coco a hard medium to use then Mr G? cheers
I think Canna suggest 5.8 is optimum pH for their feeds, maybe try drop it little lower? Are you feeding every watering?
Just make some super soil. Story ended.

Also IMHO you don't nute autos in the first 2 weeks they are still developing a roots system. Also at day 29 your not doing that bad most plant grow for 21 days then begin to show sex for a couple days then take off in growth. If anything I'd say they were on the small side from stress but their not that small compared to other autos at the point in time.
soil is far more forgiving and gives you weeks to work out the kinks.. as far as yield ...you will not lose any..hydro grows faster that is about it
I would have never fed them

I would watch your ph going into the pot, then measure the run off... see where you are ending up, adjust properly...

Just as an fyi. I had a Haze Auto Pheno that started extremely slow and her first set of real leaves had rounded tips. On a side not, the plant grew to about 4 1/2 feet tall lanky, and produced the highest quality buds of the lot. Top in my hand, sides on the desk.

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I have fed last three or four times but to be honest I'm scared to water them as they hardly seem to be using any water as its took nearly a week for the pots to start feeling lighter and think I've screwed them from overwatering before roots properly developed
I have never grown an auto yet so I really can't say if this is genetic or what. What I do think is perhaps you should go with the other posters suggesting soil. You say you have had decent results with coco. I thought long and hard about what medium to use before I planted a single seed. In nature, seeds fall to the ground and new plants grow. So, I wanted to keep it as simple as that. Why over-complicate things? So, I went with FF Happy Frog, all of my girls have loved it. To keep it simpler, I also use the Technoflora Recipe for Success. I get the feeling you are resistant to changing your medium. Well, to each their own but there is an old saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing time and time again and expecting different results" Just my .02 my friend. Good Luck and Happy HIGHlidays!