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Moving with uncustomary speed, and skirting propriety in their haste, the Los Angeles City Attorneys Office will address The Safety Committee in closed session tomorrow, January 13, 2012, to recommend a total ban on Medical Cannabis Facilities. If the Safety Committee chooses to do so, they may vote for a ban, and send the motion to the City Council for approval.
If the City Council acts with the same alacrity the Safety Committee does, all medical cannabis collectives in the City of Los Angeles could be ordered to close within a month.
The Security Committee has chosen to schedule the meeting to discuss all this at 8:45 A.M. tomorrow, and relevant documents were posted on-line today, giving the public no time to weigh- in on this issue.
During the recent holiday, in a campaign spearheaded by Americans for Safe Access, medical cannabis patients sent over 16,000 emails to Los Angeles City Council Members, asking them to reject a ban and instead enact reasonable regulations.
The Greater Los Angeles Collective Alliance (GLACA) has collected over a thousand letters from patients and their caregivers, asking the authors of the two motions to ban to withdraw their motions and enact sensible regulations instead. GLACA will present these letters to the Los Angeles City Council tomorrow during the council meeting.
The City Attorney is moving with such haste that he cannot have possibly considered some very viable alternatives. As a result, the health and safety of the sick and dying in Los Angeles may be at risk, and that is unacceptable to us. We will be at the Security Committee Meeting tomorrow with our lawyers, in the hopes we can persuade the Safety Committee to delay a vote until this matter is fully briefed, remarked Yami Bolanos, President and Founder of GLACA.
What: Public Safety Committee Meeting to Discuss Medical Cannabis Ban
When: Friday, January 13, 2012
Time: 8:45 AM
Location: Los AngelesCity Hall
200 South Spring Street
Room 1010
Los Angeles, Ca 90012