Los angels prices, CA

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
Im trying to grow to sell the the clinics around where i live LA county closer to the city norwalk, can any tell me or give me an idea of what kinda prices i should be trying to aim for in a clinic? if u need any info let me know ill get it to you, im just not trying to get gank'd on my first grow is all


Well-Known Member
Depends on the place, but typically the average shop will offer 200 an ounce to an unknown vendor. And that's only IF they like your stuff.

Anything over 200 per ounce is like pulling teeth with these people. So they buy an ounce at 200.00 and sell it to their customers for anywhere from 440.00 to 520.00.

This is their m.o. -- nothing short of a gigantic profit margin on weed they KNOW will sell. Watch, try to squeeze thousands in cash out of them for a significant portion of your hard-grown weed... See the games they play.


Well-Known Member
all meds are not the same....post pics
If and only if it's super crystal dank chunk will the clinics offer wholsale 200/ounce. That's standard practice at all these places with unknown growers..

If your shit looks anything less than top grade jar appeal, you won't even get a call back on your sample.
From what a very close friend of mine has said to me about their attempts to sell their quantities to the local pharms, I would have to side with the statements made by LorDjin....a big game of screw you outta your product for the lowest amount possible while they turn it over for a 80-120% profit. They said even the pharm where they were a loyal member & knew the employees very well gave him a buttload of run-around in the price game. I think the pharms know you want to move your product & quicky, (if you had buyers in mass quantity one wouldn't be at the pharm selling, right?) so they feel they have the upper hand & manipulate that to their advantage....that's the American way. lol

Also, just feeling dumb here-but I'm not grasping the joke by ResearchKitty...help me! lol I wanna be "in" on the joke! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Anything above 50% of retail is generally acceptable. The overhead that goes into running a 6-8 person storefront operation in an area like that, with the taxes, payroll, rent, utilities, licenses, legal costs, etc can often justify their need to have higher prices. Yes, they usually make good money, but they take the risk of investing money into running a full-time storefront that's federally illegal and are surrounded by an industry of deadbeats who often want to get paid for doing nothing. And while I agree that growers work hard and deserve to be compensated, but so do the guys investing millions into the storefront that patients need in order to safely get their medicine in a friendly environment. Besides, if you're a good grower, you should be able to do alright for yourself too, just gotta leave enough "non-profit" to go around if you aren't dealing with patients directly. $3k/lb is pretty common, and IMO more than easy enough to break even with. Oh, and don't leave samples. Most of the time if they ask you to leave a sample, it's the punkass budtender who doesn't know his own strains (everything in la is NOT top shelf og, despite what they all think) just wanting some free bud.


Well-Known Member
Anything above 50% of retail is generally acceptable. The overhead that goes into running a 6-8 person storefront operation in an area like that, with the taxes, payroll, rent, utilities, licenses, legal costs, etc can often justify their need to have higher prices. Yes, they usually make good money, but they take the risk of investing money into running a full-time storefront that's federally illegal and are surrounded by an industry of deadbeats who often want to get paid for doing nothing. And while I agree that growers work hard and deserve to be compensated, but so do the guys investing millions into the storefront that patients need in order to safely get their medicine in a friendly environment. Besides, if you're a good grower, you should be able to do alright for yourself too, just gotta leave enough "non-profit" to go around if you aren't dealing with patients directly. $3k/lb is pretty common, and IMO more than easy enough to break even with. Oh, and don't leave samples. Most of the time if they ask you to leave a sample, it's the punkass budtender who doesn't know his own strains (everything in la is NOT top shelf og, despite what they all think) just wanting some free bud.
Valid counterpoint.


Well-Known Member
ooh ok lol misread. idk I just get tired of everyone saying that every shop out there is a ripoff because they make too much money as a "non-profit". Yet at the same time they're usually asking why they can't get 4k a lb. Seems more like people bitching that someone else is making money instead of them and not that they make it at all, which would be the principle behind profit/nonprofit and their relation to "medicine" being corrupted as they claim. Pretty hypocritical IMO.

I run a business with my wife, and it's no simple task. I'd never do it for free, and just because I don't physically manufacture the products we have, nor do I personally provide the services we offer, doesn't mean I don't work my ass off to keep accounts balanced, taxes paid, inventories stocked, appointments up to date, employee issues resolved, etc etc. Same as club owners. They don't grow, nor do they stand at the front counter. But without them, the entire operation wouldn't exist and for their efforts in getting/keeping everything running smoothly, a free market would allow for them to be paid fairly for their labor. Put the free back in free market, and you'll end up with a more controlled product that can be monitored, improved, and tested for new benefits. /rant

To avoid a total threadjack, I'll add to my earlier comment to OP.
$3k/lb is pretty fair for good quality, $4k/lb is awesome, $2k for mid grade, <$2k for outdoor/greenhouse. From what I've seen. Your results may vary


Well-Known Member
ooh ok lol misread. idk I just get tired of everyone saying that every shop out there is a ripoff because they make too much money as a "non-profit". Yet at the same time they're usually asking why they can't get 4k a lb. Seems more like people bitching that someone else is making money instead of them and not that they make it at all, which would be the principle behind profit/nonprofit and their relation to "medicine" being corrupted as they claim. Pretty hypocritical IMO.

I run a business with my wife, and it's no simple task. I'd never do it for free, and just because I don't physically manufacture the products we have, nor do I personally provide the services we offer, doesn't mean I don't work my ass off to keep accounts balanced, taxes paid, inventories stocked, appointments up to date, employee issues resolved, etc etc. Same as club owners. They don't grow, nor do they stand at the front counter. But without them, the entire operation wouldn't exist and for their efforts in getting/keeping everything running smoothly, a free market would allow for them to be paid fairly for their labor. Put the free back in free market, and you'll end up with a more controlled product that can be monitored, improved, and tested for new benefits. /rant

To avoid a total threadjack, I'll add to my earlier comment to OP.
$3k/lb is pretty fair for good quality, $4k/lb is awesome, $2k for mid grade, <$2k for outdoor/greenhouse. From what I've seen. Your results may vary
Yeah. Sometimes it's easy for me to just hate on the shops from the position of a time to time vendor... But it's important to remember that everyone has challenges.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt talking about you. It's a general sentiment within the growing community that "shops are evil" because they take the profit from the grower. Most I've seen, they act like any business person (maybe a little less professional than they could), and that is to say that if you LET them donate way below fair value, of course they will. Also, if you LET them keep your medicine without donating in exchange, it shouldn't be a surprise when they never do. They have a business to run. Why pay for yesterday's profit when they could pay for tomorrows, ya know? Look out for #1, follow solid business practices, and there's no reason for concern.

Where have you vended? (pm is fine, or here to benefit OP as well) Good to know which shops/management to stay away from if they have some sketch business practices.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt talking about you. It's a general sentiment within the growing community that "shops are evil" because they take the profit from the grower. Most I've seen, they act like any business person (maybe a little less professional than they could), and that is to say that if you LET them donate way below fair value, of course they will. Also, if you LET them keep your medicine without donating in exchange, it shouldn't be a surprise when they never do. They have a business to run. Why pay for yesterday's profit when they could pay for tomorrows, ya know? Look out for #1, follow solid business practices, and there's no reason for concern.

Where have you vended? (pm is fine, or here to benefit OP as well) Good to know which shops/management to stay away from if they have some sketch business practices.
I don't have any overtly negative experiences to report.

Thanks for the clarification. Though I have to admit being a bit influenced by the 'shops are evil' mentality, the better part of me sees the bigger picture.

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for you insights and calling me out on spelling errors (was high when posted (no big surprise) ), thanks for a realistic scope on things. if anyone has more too add, much appreciated for your time and efforts, but i think i got what i needed, thanks again all who posted.