Losing garden please help bad leave curling

My leaves are curling down like claws really bad. Its most the leaves right around the forming buds. They are curling almost into themselves and losing up on the inside. They feel really dry and feel like they could crumble easily. I am 3 weeks into flowering and using and ebb and flow system with hydroton. I have one plant in cocoa with is curling the worst and the other two in rock wool but both covered in hydroton. I am water 4 times a day for 5 minutes with 50 % fertilizer and a steady 5.7 ph. Anything helps dont want to ruin my whole garden.



Active Member
looks like under watering if you ask me, but im a noob so take my oppion with a grain of salt.

try upping to 6 times a day see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Seems like I read somewhere that clawing of the leaves means over nuted. Might check that out in the FAQ or do a search on it.


Active Member
on my first grow i over fertilized my plant 8 weeks into flowering and my plant did the same thing, crumbling leaves with a claw like look. carefull because mine was totally fried, unsmokeable. lay off the nutes for a week or two then start again with half what you are now its better to give less then to much because once its gone theres no saving it.


Pretty new to this but it's always good advice to just start flushing them with water if you don't know what else to do.


Well-Known Member
Looks like nitrogen overdose too me. i would flush them out well for a week or so with phed water only then go from there.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
In my F&D lava rock system I never go over 1/6 per gallon of water recomended for dirt on any fertilizer. Ideally I change my res every five days and the first shift I send it through at 7ph. After that I balance the water and run it for four more shifts. Where I'm at and with my ventilation I F&D my table every eight hours in a fifteen minute cycle. I have gone with two 1/2 hour flood and drain cycle gizmoed to the light timer with the same fert mix with only a bit of yellowing on older fan leaves coming towards the end of the grow. If you are using ventilation be sure that you are bringing in as much or slightly more air than you are exhausting. At present I use 2" x 2" x 3"h rockwell cubes in a 50/50 mix of clay gravel and lava rock. My flood table is three feet by three feet, eight inches deep. 5.5-6.3ph
I stepped up the water a few days ago and it only made the leaves curl even more. I am thinking about flushing the system this week and seeing what happens. What wierd is its only happening to 3 out of 6 plants, the other ones look perfectly health. any other ideas on what it might be? thanks for the help so far
looking a lot better already. Was wondering about when i should stop feeding them before harvest. ive heard anywhere from a month to 5 days before harvest. any ideas? thanks


I have some minor problems, and as a rule I adjust 1/2 or 1/3 of the plants for 2-3 days and see what happens.
If they improve you save a few, if not you lose a few.
losing the whole damn row sucks