losing hope


New Member
Growing in my area is rare to hear. I have noone to get tips from and noone to look at my plabts and help. I messed up and used mg. I flushed and waited a week then watered only. Now a few plants are drooping and I havent watered in rwo days and soil is moist. I have a 4x2x3 box with 16 cfls 2 fans a temp gayge and some damp rid. I kno my ph is off but I think the damp rid is dryin my plants.idk. I have them in gallon pots about 3-4 inches away from cfl light. I just removed the damprid to see if I need more humidity. But its like every week somethin else. I just want healthy steady growin plants. Please help ssomeone


Well-Known Member
Pics man. Sorry to hear this, we can help. You can need to stay positive and know that your not alone. So lets start by some pics , lets see all angkes and we should be able to get you on track. It happens man, there will always be obstacles but you chose the right things to do to combat against and prevent for future purposes. Later


New Member
It wont let me post pics from my phone. Thats why I have none at all. I dont have a laptop .is there another way? I dont know how much time I have left. Btw soil is at 6.9 and soil mix is 1/3 mg potting. 1/3 mg garden 1/3 black kow.. and 16 cfl

sativa indica pits

Active Member
well you can use the hell out of this site ....its a guessing game with no pics but here ya go!!https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 dont lose hope man.... keep on keepin on!! read that write up start to finish and you probably wont have many issues after that.... about a month from now lol!! but as you will read there ph is the main #1 problem with growing mj indoors, good luck


New Member
I wish there was a way I could post them. Does anyone care to share there email? I mean thats the only way I can get someone elses eyes on them that knows wats up

sativa indica pits

Active Member
p.s. the best secret ive ever learned over 17 years of growing... is flush ur plant with 6.8 water.... enought to make it run out the bottom, test the water that is "running out the bottom of the pot, that is your true soil ph, its called testing your "run off". and what type of ph checker do you have? buy a cheep water tester and only use that, 99.9% of electric testers are bull shit and a waste of money. I usally dont tell people that but it will lift your spirits fo sho!!


New Member
I sent three emails with pics. I belive there I gallon pots and I dont have anything for drainage. This is my first grow. I didnt kno. Plants are maybe 6-7 weeks maybe 5

sativa indica pits

Active Member
1st that soil is super shitty looking. try a promix , vermiculite and perlite mix, i would get them outa that soil asap, you could knock off what ever falls off and just leave the center root ball if there is one, and put them into a smaller container, like 1/2 gal size for 4-8 inch plants. , 2nd the plants are having magnesium deficiency most likly due to low ph, 2 teaspoons epsom salt per gallon of water. after you do that wait a few days and look at new growth and see if it helps. now I see why your losing hope!! Ill try to upload pics for ya.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Just grow them out and stop bitching ph your water buy foxfarm nutes follow schedule but do half doses! Grow them and learn read and research the internet is a great thing even from a phone!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
O and nextime grow clones and pick something that finishes in around 60 days . Grow in foxfarms ocean forest cut with a bag of light warrior and perlite.


Well-Known Member
O and nextime grow clones and pick something that finishes in around 60 days . Grow in foxfarms ocean forest cut with a bag of light warrior and perlite.
Thats right. If you're growing in soil you need a good base to start out in. This isn't something thats learned overnight. People are great about helping you out but the best thing you can do is help yourself by reading and learning. It isn't rocket science but you need to get down with some of the fundamentals.


New Member
Those three pics are two or three weeks old. Thats after I topped and flushed. I sent the updated pics last. Like I say I live in the middle of nowhere Alabama. I have limited money and limited resources. Im gonna try to get some organic soil. I water with Epson salt a couple days ago. I can see a little progess. I kno my soil is my main problem but I didnt know wat to do. And is it possible to take my plants out of grow box and just grow in bedroom.? I would be able to keep them alot cooler that way