Losing My Virginity. Growing For The First Time.


Active Member
What would be a fair veg cycle for a plant that was only intended to produce seed?
Like, I really don't need thousands of seeds. So, growing them smaller by shortening the veg cycle as much as reasonably possible would seem like a good way to speed up the process. But, is there a generally accepted minimum length for veg when the intention is for seed? A 4 week veg followed by a 6 - 8 week flower should allow for complete and mature seed?
And feeding the same would be correct also?
If this works the way I think it will, I will be growing for seed and making hash from the rest for a while before I grow for the buds again (with several different strains of course).
Those seed banks are greedy for the prices they charge if you get several thousand seeds from a plant... If your on my friends list when all is said and done, free seeds for you ;).
Kitty, I see you make some wicked pipes! Have you got a suggestion for someone who would be smoking a lot of hash apposed to buds? ;)


Well-Known Member
Hash is fun, a paper clip and a bic lighter do just fine! :) I've made some hash spoons with a smaller hole in the back middle of the bowl that way you can touch it with a hot dabber/rod and smoke away. Fun stuff.

https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/20319-seed-production-tutorial.html That should answer all of your seed questions. If you dont need thousands of seeds, dont pollenate the whole plant. :) Just do a lower branch and pollenate those buds and you'll get a few hundred to play with and share.


Active Member
Thanks for that link! I did not actually see that thread yet!
Although I don't need thousands of seeds, I will likely grow the male and female side by side in their own smaller box and pollinate the entire female. A thousand seeds for every strain I like would defiantly set me up for a while. Would also allow me to me choosy about the specimens that I use for future seed grows. With a thousand seeds, over time, you could end up with very nice genetics I would imagine.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i know this isent the right place to ask this but my bottom leaves will be dead by the end of the day my baby just started to bud and now she looks like shes dieng from the bottom up my grow box was hot this morning 32 degreese and 17 humidity and help would be appreciated!

kush fario

Well-Known Member
yea i got it all straightend out i still dont know what happend i guess she just had a bad day 2 sets of low leaves died but now its healthy and new growth is problem free! thanks anyway tho:D


Active Member
Ok, so I wont be planting anything for at least a few weeks but I will begin modifications on my grow box within the next few days.
The seeds are in. At least one is cracked open a little. Think it will still germ? The strain is indeed Fucking Incredible. I have 6 of them I think. I also have 8 mix seeds of unknown strain. (might be 8 FI and 6 mix, will confirm that).
I intend to plant all the FI seeds and hope that at least 1 male and 1 female mature. I don't know yet what my intentions with the other seeds are. Is there any way to identify a strain? They are labeled potpourri, straight from VISC.
Anyways. Smoke is tasting better every day.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i dunno how pro you are at telling your strains apart but they all have some differences for the mix ul have to go by leaf shape and smell or at least thats what i do


Active Member
Some small modifications made to the grow box tonight, but mostly just a major cleanup of the entire grow area. On the box though, I removed the other side wall, which will be replaced with a double door type of access. And I also moved the lights over towards one side of the wall, giving me an area about 18 inch wide that I can use for several things. On the top of my list is climate control within the grow box. The growing area inside the box now is 10 sq. feet. Just over 1 sq. meter. If I understand correctly, this means I have enough area to harvest a good 300 grams or more if the conditions were just right. So we will see what I can do this time. 6.5 ounces last time gave me just over 180 grams dried, which is just over half of the average low claimed by most strains. And the area was about 4 sq. feet larger last time. So I am sure I can better that average significantly next time. The smaller area though will only be an advantage, as it will allow me to utilize my available light by containing it in a smaller area. I will also mylar the interior of the grow area as well as the mylar the reflectors that are on my lights. Did I mention that I will also be ordering the proper spectrum's of lighting for next grow? $80 shipped will have me 12x3000K and 12x6500K tubes which will be used in a 75/25 or so ratio (and can not be found at the local stores around here). Not to also mention the 4-8 cfl's that will also be used during flowering as side lighting so to speak.
In my head, I am building a 14 inch by 14 inch scrog and pot holder for each plant, which would allow me to care for the plants individually with ease. I think this will overcome the issues I experienced late in flower on my last grow.
That's it for now. No pics yet.


Active Member
Ok. The verdict is in. It was looking like I was going to pick up a partner for my next run but that fell through. I will be starting my next run soon, and it will be a simple seed run with the intention of making hash with everything other than the seeds.
I am going to be making a separate thread for the next run, so this marks the end of my first journey.
I want to thank you all for following and helping, and I look forward to hopefully seeing you in my next journal.


Active Member
There will in fact be 1 more update to this thread. I forgot to make the hash... lol
Half of it is chillin in the ice cold water letting gravity do it's thing as we speak.
I used a method referred to as "gumby hash", but modified slightly to include coffee filters as the separation media rather than evaporation.
I used this method last time and was surprised to read his post today describing it. Like as if I would be the only one to think of it... LOL
I will report on the outcome.


Active Member
Hash is in. All 4 grams of it... LOL Nothing like I was hoping for, but considering what went into making it,,, I will not be complaining.
I know for sure that I got it all out of the water, because I let the siphoned off water sit overnight and it had no accumulation at the bottom. Unless in-fact not all of it will actually drop to the bottom.
And I am about 80% sure I got it all off the leaves and buds, cause when I look at it, all I can see is stocks. No heads on them. Those stalks are not supposed to come off too are they? I made sure on my very last run of the whole lot, that I used soooo much ice that frost began to form on the bottom of the metal mixing pot I was using... LOL. When I stuck my finger in it at that point, the ice instantly stuck to my finger like licking a metal pole outside in the middle of winter.
Anyways, all said and done. 6 plants. 6.5 ounces of pot. 4 grams of hash. A tonne of experience. Honestly speaking... Better than expected prior to beginning the grow.

Thanks again for watching!

p.s. 6 FI seeds are sitting in water as of 7am, where they will stay until planted in seeding soil. I read things ranging from "if they float they are junk and if they sink they are viable" to "they sink when they are ready to be planted" <- which makes the most sense to me, to "they sink they garbage, they float they good". So I have literally read opinions taking me full circle. Currently, all 6 are floating,,, and I expect and hope that they sink sometime between now and this evening. What's your opinion on that? Should they sink over time? Should I plant them when they sink? or SHould I wait for them to crack and sprout before I remove them from the water?
Digital Ph and digital PPM meters are on the way.
Wish me luck please. ;)


Well-Known Member
That's some funny stuff Sativus. Seeds float or dont float based on the moisture already in the shell. Ones that sink are no better or worse than ones that dont. Most of them will sink in a glass of water if you tap them with your fingertip they'll just fall right down. Keep them in the water for about 6 hours, and then just put them between four paper towels on a paper plate. Get the towels very wet, and then put them on the plate. Add seeds. Add more towels, wet again. Hold plate to the side (over the sink ;)) so any excess water runs off. When its done dripping off the plate that's the perfect environment for the new seedlings. Keep the plate on your cable tv box and then its also the perfect temperature too. :-) And do keep them out of light, by adding another plate upside down on top of the plate with the towels and seeds. Until you are ready to transplant them (when they are an inch long) make sure the towels are still damp throughout the day, and add water and drain the excess each time if they are getting dry.

Any seed that doesnt show a tap root within the first 2 or 3 days is usually a turd.


Active Member
Too late...
Seeds were in pure spring bottled water for 12 hours. 4 sank and 2 remained floating. They have now been planted in MG seeding mix which was pre-soaked a few hours prior to planting.
I also put clear wrap over them. The light is on 24-7 now until 4 weeks after sprouting, then flowering. I would like to get at least a few hundred viably mature seeds from this grow (which should be no problem) to use on a simple SOG next grow, which I think will show the maximum potential for these fluorescent tubes I have here. After which I think my curiosity for testing with these type of bulbs as a primary light source will be satisfied, and I will move on to something else. But, I am sure I can achieve a much better watt per gram ratio than .5 grams... with these style of lights. I think, that with the proper style of grow, I can hit 1 gram per watt. Stay tuned!
Can I have anyone's opinion? Because I don't know what I should do...
Should I just continue this thread, or should I begin a whole new one?


Active Member
I am quoting this from another thread on this board.

"Make a sleeve out of something like panda plastic or anything that will cover a single branch that you can easily remove. Now leave it on for 12 hours and take it off for 12 hours. In a week to two weeks that branch should start showing signs of sex."

Is that true? Can you force specific sections of the plant to flower while leaving the rest of the plant in a veg cycle? Or could you trick a branch to show sex in this manner for any amount of time before it hermes?
This should not work I don't think, but it would be cool if it did.

Edit: Ok. New thread opened! https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/465296-all-i-want-some-fucking.html#post6273232

Thanks you all again for watching and helping me through this journey. I hope you will join me again!


Active Member
Ok, so upon my searching I came across this.

It&#8217;s possible to tell the sex of a plant early, and thus move male hemp plants out of the main growing area sooner by covering a plant&#8217;s lower branch for 12 hours a day while it&#8217;s in a constant light vegetative state. Use a black paper bag or equivalent to allow for air flow while keeping out light. Be sure to set up a regular cycle for these covered branches. If light is allowed to reach them during the dark period, they may not indicate early at all.
Use a magnifying glass to look at the early flowers sex type. A male plant will have a small club (playing card) looking preflower with a small stem under it. A female flower is usually a single or double pistil, white and wispy, emerging from an immature calyx.
Some people like to pre-force hemp plants when they are 8&#8221; tall, in order to weed out the males. When growing outdoors, many growers do not wish to devote time, space or energy to male hemp plants. Just put the hemp plants on a 12 hours light cycle for 2 weeks, separate the females from the males, then revert the light cycle back to 18-24 hours to continue vegatative growth for the females. Keep in mind, this is a time consuming process and can put the hemp plants back 2 weeks in growth. Don&#8217;t pre-force hemp plants unless you have lots of time. Just cover one branch per plant with black paper (light tight, breaths air) 12 hours every day under constant light to force pre-flowers and differentiate early."

This was copied from www.hempseedshop.com

Just to answer my own previous question for anyone else who was wondering also.
Interesting none the less. Something I will test out for sure.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i have herd of doing stuff like that but i have never done it myself i would say the only way to see is try it out yourself :D