Well-Known Member
Did you really just recommend him to stab his root zone....
Whew I missed that one. Yeah I'd pass on that idea. If they are root bound then transplant them, don't stab the fuck out of them.....
Lol. Plants love it.
You betcha. I do it regularly. People on here have done it. Stab it repeatedly especially under the plant.
I do the same exact thing, and it works GREAT! I use Happy Frog and cut it 30+% with Perlite. It still gets compacted BAD, mainly because I'm not gonna take an hour sprinkling the plants with their water. I just dump the shit in all at once. I use a straightened out thick coat hanger, that I've sharpened the end to a point. YMMV. It works for me.
BTW- I learned this from Harley, quite awhile ago.... Thanks again!