Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

Did you really just recommend him to stab his root zone....

Whew I missed that one. Yeah I'd pass on that idea. If they are root bound then transplant them, don't stab the fuck out of them.....

Lol. Plants love it.

You betcha. I do it regularly. People on here have done it. Stab it repeatedly especially under the plant.

I do the same exact thing, and it works GREAT! I use Happy Frog and cut it 30+% with Perlite. It still gets compacted BAD, mainly because I'm not gonna take an hour sprinkling the plants with their water. I just dump the shit in all at once. I use a straightened out thick coat hanger, that I've sharpened the end to a point. YMMV. It works for me.

BTW- I learned this from Harley, quite awhile ago.... Thanks again!
I do the same exact thing, and it works GREAT! I use Happy Frog and cut it 30+% with Perlite. It still gets compacted BAD, mainly because I'm not gonna take an hour sprinkling the plants with their water. I just dump the shit in all at once. I use a straightened out thick coat hanger, that I've sharpened the end to a point. YMMV. It works for me.

BTW- I learned this from Harley, quite awhile ago.... Thanks again!
Same thing I said to him...not a fucking chance
To all the people telling him to let the promix dry out, your wrong. You NEVER let promix completely dry out. If you do, you will regret it. That’s when all your problem will start. Keep it damp but not soaked. Feed half strength every 2-3 days. Next time add some perlite to ur mix and your promix won’t stay as wet as long