Loss Of Data

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This thread should be locked because it seems people are going to go on and on about how they got "fucked" and that this is some how RIU's fault. Let me explain something in very plain words you guys can understand. If the exploit was known...it would have been fixed. Obviously no one knew it existed...which is why its called a fucking exploit. It was not just an attack against RIU...but many forums. Its a group of hackers trying to spread a message....so they made sure they put links to those messages EVERYWHERE. The redirected the forum...changed all posts to show a link they wanted you to see...and they snagged the e-mail database from RIU so they could also get their message to you via e-mail in case you didnt see it here on RIU. It was not an attack against you. No one is going to sell your information. It was not the government. You are all perfectly safe. Yes it sucks we lost a month worth of posts and reputation...but life goes now. NOW STFU AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN. No wonder the movement to legalize MJ has been so unsuccessful. You guys see some contraversy and everyone freaks out. If we acted more like these hackers and made our fucking point know EVERYWHERE....we would get so much more accomplished. You're all sheep....the governemt, big pharma and big corps are your shephard.....bahhh sheep bahhhhhh
yep... we're all sheep, lol. panties in a bunch much? I think peeps like you are the reason shit doesn't get done, someone says something that you don't agree with and you start calling people names saying we should lock the thread. What will that accomplish?
If this was only a redirect hack, as mods and admin are saying, where'd the like button go? And why are the screen names all purple? And why are fonts and colors changed?

Just wondering......
If this was only a redirect hack, as mods and admin are saying, where'd the like button go? And why are the screen names all purple? And why are fonts and colors changed?

Just wondering......

We rolled out a quick version with the css all set to default so we could try to get us back online as soon as possible. The redirect hack was easy to fix because they were nice about it, but that is until we realized that all the posts have been replaced.
I just got 5 likes from some real old threads..
still no like.
2 days ago I got a call from Microsoft saying my computer was sending corrupt files,
I thought it was a hoax and I couldn't understand 1/2 the words coming from him and hung up on him......
We rolled out a quick version with the css all set to default so we could try to get us back online as soon as possible. The redirect hack was easy to fix because they were nice about it, but that is until we realized that all the posts have been replaced.

I'm having difficulty believing that, as I was on the site when everything started happening.
All the things I mentioned happened BEFORE the site went down for repairs.

Something smells fishy to me.........
i had almost 1000 post in a month and this makes my second post and lost every subbed thread
this aint cool i got to start all over

yeah, i was subbed to like 30 when it was still runnin. and damn i had just got like 1300 posts or something and now im back to being a goddamn ganja smoker hahaha.

You are blowing it out of proportion, it's your right to do what you want, but don't spread dumb information and try to scare people.
It was not the military... Nor was it because of any drug bust.

Anyone take the time to watch this video? That's some bat-shit-crazy stuff right there!

While I agree with some of the content of the video, the idea that all of us will be fitted with a micro-chip implant, and that the fake jews will kill 6 billion people on the planet is a little far fetched for my bullshit meter.
Anyone take the time to watch this video? That's some bat-shit-crazy stuff right there!

While I agree with some of the content of the video, the idea that all of us will be fitted with a micro-chip implant, and that the fake jews will kill 6 billion people on the planet is a little far fetched for my bullshit meter.

i dont have bullshit tolerance, i watched that video for like 5 minutes and thought it was like illuminati shit or something, conspiracy theory is all the same.
everyone in the worlds stupid as fuck and dont know how ridiculous they sound when their peers tell them they're right. i bet some paranoid schizophrenic made that video, hes trippin balls to think the US is gonna regulate microchip inplants or jews kill like 99 percent of our fuckin planet.
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